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Erdoan commits to dialogue with BRICS as Trkiye balances its diplomatic axis

Erdoan commits to dialogue with BRICS as Trkiye balances its diplomatic axis


President Recep Tayyip Erdoan reiterated Trkiyes' interest in BRICS during his speech at the bloc's summit in Kazan, Tatarstan, on Thursday. We are determined to continue the dialogue with BRICS, he said.

Erdoan also touched on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in his speech and noted that Trkiye, within the framework of the United Nations, sought to stop arms exports to Israel. He called on BRICS members to support this initiative.

The Turkish leader joined the summit at the invitation of his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin after asking last month to join the bloc that includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

“We are determined to deepen our dialogue with the BRICS family, with which we have developed close relations based on mutual respect and win-win,” he told delegates at the BRICS forum in Kazan.

If admitted, it would be the first NATO member to join the alliance, which sees itself as a counterweight to Western powers and whose members sharply disagree with the West on several issues, including the conflict in course in the Middle East. “The political and financial mechanisms that emerged after World War II cannot meet what is expected of them,” Erdoan said. BRICS, he added, has made a “unique contribution…to building a fairer world” through “the development of global trade, economic growth and the Sustainable Development Goals.”

BRICS is the acronym for its five founding members, although the alliance added four countries this year, three from the Middle East, including Iran.

The president said the summit theme, “Strengthening Multilateralism for Equitable Global Development and Security,” was appropriate in the face of important challenges ranging from economics and security to global injustice and climate change, the repercussions of which are felt in all areas. Erdoan said the post-World War II political and financial mechanisms have failed to meet the demands in the current circumstances where socio-economic fragility has increased and the balance of power has changed. “Under these circumstances, Trkiye adhered to the principle that a fairer world is possible. We attach importance to finding solutions to problems through a common mind and meeting our friends on multilateral platforms. We believe that the BRICS make a unique contribution to building a fairer global order by serving the goals of developing global trade, economic growth and sustainable development,” he said.

Erdoan mentioned that Trkiye was already a founding member of several regional bodies, from the Organization of Turkic States to the D-8, and an active member of the G-20 and MIKTA, and expressed his hope to advance the dialogue with BRICS in the same way.

Arms sales to Israel

Erdoan devoted the rest of his statements to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The president said discussing the future of justice, peace and development would be futile without stopping the bloodshed in the Middle East. “Israel has already exceeded all limits of law and conscience with its aggressive stance. This continues at the cost of burning the entire region. The Palestinian people are victims of genocide in Gaza. Israel has increased its savagery by attacking Lebanon.”

The president reiterated his call for an end to Israeli attacks and a lasting solution to the issue which he summarized as the foundation of an independent Palestinian state. “I invite countries that do not recognize Palestine to do so,” he said.

Erdoan lamented that Israel was becoming increasingly reckless in its attacks due to the unconditional arms support it has received. “We have launched an initiative in the United States to stop arms sales to Israel. I am confident that you, our valued friends, will support us on this issue. Together we can put an end to the massacres and tears in the region “, Erdoan said.

The Sabah Daily News Bulletin

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