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PM Modi, Xi seal LAC deal, pledge to rebuild ties | News from India

PM Modi, Xi seal LAC deal, pledge to rebuild ties | News from India


PM Modi and Xi put seal on LAC pact, pledge to rebuild ties

“Relationships crucial for stability”

SRs Ajit Doval and Wang Yi have met several times on the sidelines of multilateral events, including last month in St. Petersburg, but not in the context of SR negotiations.
According to an Indian statement, Modi welcomed the agreement for complete disengagement and resolution of issues that arose in 2020 in eastern Ladakh, which also led to the deadly Galwan clash that year, and highlighted the The importance of properly handling disputes and disagreements and not allowing them. to disturb the peace and quiet.
Foreign Minister Vikram Misri said Modi also assured Xi of India's full support for China's SCO chairmanship. in 2025. China described the meeting as constructive and of great importance.
No joint declaration, China speaks of important progress, no agreement
China, however, did not use the word agreement in its statement, with the spokesperson simply saying that the leaders welcomed the “significant progress” that had been made through intensive communication on relevant issues in the border areas .
We believe that the importance of India-China relations is not only for our people. Our relations are also important for world peace, stability and progress, Modi told Xi in his opening speech, adding that he looked forward to constructive discussions with an open mind. He also mentioned the three mutual principles: mutual trust, mutual respect and mutual sensitivity, which India believes should form the basis of bilateral relations. India has maintained over the past five years that relations could return to normal only through the restoration of peace and tranquility along the border.
Xi also told Modi that it is important for the two sides to have more communication and cooperation, properly manage differences and disagreements, and facilitate each other's pursuit of development aspirations.
It is important for both sides to shoulder their international responsibility, set an example in enhancing the strength and unity of developing countries, and contribute to promoting multipolarization and democracy in international relations, Xi said in the appeal. Xi also said during the meeting that specific disagreements should not affect the overall relationship. The agreement reached this week concerned the areas of Demchok and Depsang, the two points of friction where the disengagement was not completed.
The leaders agreed that the SRs would meet soon to oversee the management of peace and tranquility in the border areas and to explore a just, reasonable and mutually acceptable solution to the border issue, according to the Indian statement. He added that relevant dialogue mechanisms at the level of foreign ministers and other officials will also be used to stabilize and rebuild bilateral relations.




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