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PM Modi-Xi Jinping strikes a balance between hope and realism

PM Modi-Xi Jinping strikes a balance between hope and realism


Prime Minister Narendra Modis meets Chinese leader Xi Jinping and its participation in the expanded BRICS forum in Kazan, Russia, raise expectations. But realists in Delhi are cautious in assessing the long-term prospects of bilateral relations with Beijing and the announcement of a new world order with BRICS. The hopes expressed by Modi and Xi to stabilize India-China relations are welcome. So is Kazan's BRICS call to strengthen multilateralism to confront the growing challenges to international peace, security and development that have become acute amid the two ongoing wars in Europe and the Middle East. -East. At the same time, India should not underestimate the lingering problems bilaterally with China and in building BRICS as a major global forum.

Bilaterally, Delhi is right to take credit for prodding Beijing to relent and restore peace and stability to the border after its surprise aggression across the Line of Actual Control in early 2020. The agreement on The disengagement announced earlier this week and the meeting between Modi and Xi are just the first steps on the long road to restoring the status quo at the border in spring 2020. The separate readings (rather than a joint statement) released after the Modi-Xi meeting highlight the divergent orientations of the two countries. sides to imagine their future relationships. China continues to emphasize the urgency of normalizing economic and political relations, while India focuses first on stabilizing the border.

Four new members, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran and the United Arab Emirates, have been admitted and many others are eager to join BRICS. The real task awaits us now, when realism takes over. If BRICS aims to counter Western domination, they will face great challenges in overcoming internal imbalance. China's economy is twice the size of all other members of the broader BRICS combined. At the heart of the enthusiasm around BRICS is the idea that India can promote a multipolar world in partnership with Russia and China. However, a weakened Russia badly needs the United States to restore a bipolar Europe. China has risen and considers itself the equal of the United States; he wants to build a global co-ownership with Washington. Moscow and Beijing want to take advantage of BRICS to better negotiate with the United States. Delhi is no different in viewing BRICS as an instrument to expand its geopolitical room for maneuver. Even as they spoke with President Vladimir Putin in Kazan, Modi and Xi had a keen eye on the US elections and their impact on global politics. The fact that Modi will host the German Chancellor immediately after the Kazan meeting and the Spanish Prime Minister next week, both of whom will highlight defense cooperation with India, is a useful reminder that Delhi's interest in establishing deeper ties with the West remains despite numerous engagement problems. with the United States and Europe.




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