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Hyundai Executive Chairman Meets PM Modi, Strengthens Commitment to Mobility in India

Hyundai Executive Chairman Meets PM Modi, Strengthens Commitment to Mobility in India



Hyundai Motor Group Executive Chairman Euisun Chung recently met with Indian Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in Delhi to discuss the future of mobility and explore avenues for collaboration. The meeting highlighted Hyundai's commitment to India, emphasizing the country's market diversity and forward-thinking approach.

Chung was in India to review the group's medium and long-term strategy and attend the listing ceremony of Hyundai Motor India Limited (HMIL) on October 22, 2024. Tarun Garg, COO of HMIL, where they explored the India, joined the discussions. evolving mobility landscape and potential cooperation to drive innovation.

During the meeting, Chung extended a personal invitation to Prime Minister Modi for the opening of the upcoming Hyundai plant in Pune, Maharashtra. The new facility, a significant investment supported by both the Government of India and the Government of Maharashtra, is expected to strengthen Hyundai's role in the Make in India initiative. The company aims to contribute to India's vision 'Viksit Bharat 2047', coinciding with the 100th anniversary of India's Independence.

Hyundai Motor Group, which entered the Indian market in 1996, has become one of the country's leading mobility companies, offering a range of innovative products while making notable social contributions. During the meeting, Chung praised India's rich cultural heritage and expressed gratitude to the government for its continued support.

Indian culture is a source of inspiration for many people around the world, Chung noted. As India and Korea strengthen their economic collaboration, there is much to learn from each other, thereby establishing a solid foundation for our cooperation, he added.

Highlighting Hyundai's continued success in India, Chung said Hyundai Motor has been present in India for over 26 years, becoming the second largest automobile manufacturer, thanks to the interest of the Indian government and the support of the Indian people. It’s time to make Hyundai a “house brand” and the “most trusted brand” in India.

The discussion also covered the advancement of the electric vehicle (EV) ecosystem in India. Chung affirmed Hyundai's commitment to this sector, saying: “We will work with the Indian government to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles by launching new models, expanding electric vehicle charging infrastructure and localizing components.

The meeting symbolizes Hyundai's determination to contribute to India's mobility advancements, reflecting the company's vision to be a trusted partner in India's transformative journey towards sustainable growth and innovation.

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