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US elections: 12 days left What the polls say, what Harris and Trump are planning | US Election News 2024

US elections: 12 days left What the polls say, what Harris and Trump are planning | US Election News 2024


With just 12 days until the US election, Vice President Kamala Harris addressed undecided voters at a CNN town hall in Pennsylvania on Wednesday.

Among the seven key states that analysts say could determine the outcome of the election, Pennsylvania is the biggest prize, with 19 Electoral College votes.

Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump gave a speech at a Georgia rally for Trump. Georgia, with 16 Electoral College votes, is another key battleground state that Trump won in 2016 but narrowly lost the state to President Joe Biden in 2020.

According to tracking data from the University of Florida Election Lab, nearly 25 million voters have already cast ballots, either through in-person early voting or mail-in ballots.

What are the latest poll updates?

A new Wall Street Journal (WSJ) poll released Wednesday finds Trump leading Harris by 2 percentage points nationally, with 47 percent to 45 percent. This contrasts with Harris' 2-point lead in the August WSJ survey. Both margins are within the polls' margins of error, suggesting either candidate could be ahead. So far, most polls give Harris the edge in the national vote, with the two candidates running neck and neck in swing states.

According to the WSJ, the survey also suggests that voters have developed a more favorable perception of Trump's agenda and his past performance, while their view of Harris has become more negative.

In a separate analysis from daily election poll tracker FiveThirtyEights on Wednesday, Harris is slightly ahead in the national polling average, leading Trump by 1.8 percentage points. However, the long-term trend shows that the race is tightening and the gap continues to narrow.

While national surveys provide valuable information on voter sentiment, the Electoral College will determine the ultimate winner, based on each state's results.

The seven key states that could determine who wins are Pennsylvania (19 electoral votes), North Carolina (16), Georgia (16), Michigan (15), Arizona (11), Wisconsin (10) and Nevada (6). Together, they represent 93 Electoral College votes.

Currently, in those seven states, Harris has a razor-thin lead in Nevada and Wisconsin and a slightly larger lead in Michigan, which has gone from a narrow 0.2 percent to 0.7 percent. Trump has a lead of more than 1.5 percent in Arizona and Georgia, with North Carolina and Pennsylvania also showing very narrow margins in his favor.

All of these states are within a statistical margin of error and could move one way or the other in the election.

What was Kamala Harris doing on Wednesday?

Harris took the stage at the CNN town hall in an effort to win the support of undecided Pennsylvania voters.

I am committed to being a president for all Americans, she told a participant who asked her about her plans to bridge the deep political divide in the country.

She also said her administration would not be a continuation of Biden's, adding that she represented a new generation of leaders. However, Harris repeatedly failed to meaningfully explain how her policies differed from Biden's.

When asked about her weaknesses, she admitted that I'm certainly not perfect, pointing out that her decision-making can sometimes be slowed down by seeking diverse perspectives and over-analyzing issues.

Harris reaffirmed a key promise of Biden's agenda, saying no household earning less than $400,000 will face higher taxes. But she was less certain whether higher incomes would benefit from a tax increase.

I won't raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 a

Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) October 24, 2024

John Kelly, Trump's longest-serving White House chief of staff, claimed to have seen Trump express admiration for Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. He repeatedly commented, “You know, Hitler did good things, too,” Kelly told the New York Times.

At the town hall on Wednesday, Harris called Kelly's comments a 911 call to the people, emphasizing why he opposed Trump returning to the White House. Asked if she considers Trump a fascist, Harris replied: Yes, I do.

During the public meeting, she also said she believed in equality between Israel and the Palestinians, saying both groups have a right to their own country.

Far too many innocent Palestinian civilians have been killed. This is unacceptable, Harris said. But she added that there could be an opportunity to end this war and work toward a two-state solution in which Israel and the Palestinians enjoy equal security, where the Palestinian people enjoy dignity. , self-determination and security that it rightly deserves. .

She also condemned anti-Semitism in the United States, emphasizing the need for more laws to deter hate crimes.

Democratic presidential candidate and US Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at CNN town hall [Kevin Mohatt/Reuters]
What was Donald Trump doing on Wednesday?

Trump spoke at rallies in Zebulon and Duluth, Georgia.

In Zebulon, he noted that in many ways it is sad that his political term is coming to an end. If he wins on November 5, he will begin his second and final term.

Trump kicked off his campaign rally in Georgia by asking the crowd: “Are you in a better situation than you were four years ago?”

The crowd said no. It was very unanimous, wasn't it, Trump said. The answer is no. By any standard, the answer is no.

In his speech, Trump focused primarily on immigration and border security. We will end illegal immigration once and for all, he said. It will be over. He then added: I will launch the largest deportation program in American history.

He urged his supporters to defeat Harris with a tidal wave too big to rig and reminded them that early voting was underway. Ask everyone you know, he says.

Toward the end of his event, Trump expressed his desire to collaborate with tech billionaire Elon Musk and mentioned former independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., as well as Tucker Carlson and Tulsi Gabbard, who unsuccessfully ran for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020. and has now declared herself a Republican.

I was thrilled to be back in the GREAT STATE OF GEORGIA, with thousands of proud and hardworking AMERICAN PATRIOTS, THANK YOU!

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 24, 2024

Regarding Kelly's comments, Trump avoided attacking her directly.

Trump said Kamala Harris is essentially basing her campaign on lies and statements that can be easily refuted, Al Jazeera's Alan Fisher said, reporting from Duluth, Georgia.

Trump has certainly been dismissive of Kelly in the past, and I've spoken to others here in the crowd. [at Trumps Georgia rally]and they simply said that either Trump shouldn't be taken literally or that John Kelly was making up stories because he was fired by Trump, Fisher added.

Just to point out, John Kelly was a decorated four-star general who Trump initially made secretary of Homeland Security and then promoted to White House chief of staff before the two fell out and he was fired.

Republican presidential candidate and former US President Donald Trump's photo is displayed on screens during a campaign event in his honor. [Elijah Nouvelage/Reuters]
What's next for the Harris and Trump campaigns? Harris campaigns with Barack Obama in Georgia

Rock legend Bruce Springsteen will join former President Barack Obama in rallies with Harris in the critical swing states of Georgia and Pennsylvania on Thursday and Monday.

This marks the start of a series of concerts aimed at increasing early voting participation in competitive areas. So far, more than 1.6 million Georgians have already voted.

Georgia is an important step for both candidates in this election; he has 16 votes in the Electoral College. That's a pretty significant number, and in the past he was solidly Republican, but he shifted in 2020 to Joe Biden, Al Jazeeras Fisher said.

That's why Donald Trump is spending time here and why on Thursday Harris will campaign with Obama, trying to convince voters that she should be in the White House in January, he added.

Trump will be in Arizona and Nevada

Trump will head west on Thursday.

He will attend rallies in Arizona and Nevada. Then, on Friday, he is expected to travel to Texas to deliver remarks focused on border security and migrant crime, according to his campaign.

The announcement follows news that Harris would be in Texas the same day to re-emphasize her campaigns on reproductive care, an issue Democrats view as crucial this year.

On Friday, the former president will travel to Traverse City, Michigan, another swing state to rally his supporters.




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