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EDEN CONFIDENTIAL: Mike Tindall takes on Boris Johnson to beat him in the book rankings

EDEN CONFIDENTIAL: Mike Tindall takes on Boris Johnson to beat him in the book rankings


Mike Tindall published his first book yesterday and Princess Anne's son-in-law was keen to play down the fact that it shares part of its title with Boris Johnson's memoir, Unleashed.

The former England rugby captain hopes to take Boris's book to the top of the bestseller list with the tome he wrote with Alex Payne and James Haskell, the co-presenters of his sports podcast.

Theirs is called The Good, The Bad & The Rugby Unleashed, and Tindall took to social media to make comparisons to the former Prime Minister's Unleashed.

In a funny post, Zara Tindall's husband first pointed out that they both used the word in the title, and said Boris's book was written by a “controversial blonde author” while his was a “controversial blond co-author”.

It is believed to be a reference to fellow former England player Haskell, who made headlines last year when he split from his wife, Chloe Madeley, daughter of the TV presenters Richard Madeley and Judy Finnigan.

Mike Tindall published his first book yesterday and Princess Anne's son-in-law was keen to play down the fact that it shares part of its title with Boris Johnson's memoir, Unleashed.

Mike Tindall published his first book yesterday and Princess Anne's son-in-law was keen to play down the fact that it shares part of its title with Boris Johnson's memoir, Unleashed.

The former England rugby captain hopes to take Boris's book to the top of the bestseller list with the tome he wrote with Alex Payne and James Haskell.

The former England rugby captain hopes to take Boris's book to the top of the bestseller list with the tome he wrote with Alex Payne and James Haskell.

In a funny post, Zara Tindall's husband first pointed out that they both used the word in the title

In a funny post, Zara Tindall's husband first pointed out that they both used the word in the title

Tindall also says that Boris suffered a “political fall from grace” while the authors of his own book suffered “the final fall from grace in general”.

It's not clear what he's referring to, but Tindall is spoiled for choice. He may be thinking of his time in the jungle in 2022 when he took part in I'm a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here!, or perhaps the time he was fined 25,000 for “serious misconduct” by the Rugby Football Union in 2011 for participating in a “dwarf throwing competition” with some teammates in a bar in New Zealand.

He jokes that Boris's memoir contains “debauched party stories”, referring to the fine he received for attending a gathering during lockdown. Tindall's book, he says, presents “profligate but legal party stories.” He adds of both: “Makes good firewood.”

Boris and Tindall compete not only with each other, but also with Prince Harry's Spare, which was published in paperback yesterday.

Police arrest royal to make way for VIPs

Even younger royals are stopped in their tracks when a senior member of “The Firm” walks by.

Police asked the Earl of Snowdon, Princess Margaret's son, to wait on his bike in Chelsea as a VIP drove by in a Range Rover. It is not known who was in the vehicle, but it was likely a member of the royal family.

Unless of course Taylor Swift is in town. The star was embroiled in a political row after it was revealed she received a police escort to and from Wembley for her August concerts.

Police asked the Earl of Snowdon, Princess Margaret's son, to wait on his bike in Chelsea as a VIP drove by in a Range Rover.

Police asked the Earl of Snowdon, Princess Margaret's son, to wait on his bike in Chelsea as a VIP drove by in a Range Rover.

Sue Johnston has doubts about Gen Z drama

Royle Family star Sue Johnston, 80, admits she had hesitation after agreeing to star in Channel 4's new zombie apocalypse drama Generation Z.

“My first scene on the first day was me biting someone's nose, and I remember thinking, 'God, why are we doing this?' said the actress.

She adds: “The supporting artists were fantastic, so engaged that you didn't feel as stupid as being swallowed up on one arm.”

Miranda Priestly is definitely not impressed

This would not have impressed Miranda Priestly, the very demanding and perfectionist magazine editor played by Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada.

I've heard that the West End's Dominion Theatre, home of the musical version of Sir Elton John's hit film, has canceled three performances with no explanation given to ticket holders. A spokesperson tells me the cancellations are “due to TV/promotional appearances.” American singer and actress Vanessa Williams plays Priestly.

Actress Vanessa Williams, who plays Priestly, is pictured at the Pamella Roland fashion show

Actress Vanessa Williams, who plays Priestly, is pictured at the Pamella Roland fashion show

Westwood's granddaughters in style after row with brand

Dame Vivienne Westwood's granddaughter Cora Corre dramatically resigned from the late designer's brand this week, accusing her boss of “bullying” into betraying her grandmother's legacy.

And the 27-year-old model and activist showed she has no plans to leave the stage as she showed up to the Elle Style Awards in an eye-catching sheer top and black leather skirt with a front slit.

It's unclear if her outfit was designed by her grandmother's brand.

Cora, left, quit her role as campaign director for the Westwood brand in a letter sent to all staff.

Cora Corre dramatically resigned from the late designer's brand this week, accusing her boss of

Cora Corre dramatically resigned from the late designer's brand this week, accusing her boss of “bullying” over betraying her grandmother's legacy.

Is prison spell to blame for Fry's OBE snub?

Stephen Fry was once described as a “national treasure” by King Charles and is involved in numerous charitable works, so why has he never received an OBE, let alone a knighthood?

“It would be insensitive of me to say that,” laughs the broadcaster and comedian. “Who knows? Maybe it's because my past life was that of a mean and nasty monkey. Because I went to prison when I was young and [I’ve] writes about various things I did wrong when I was a little older.

Fry, 67, who was sentenced to three months in prison for fraud after stealing a family friend's credit card, says: “No, I don't think that's the reason… it doesn't It's not polite to say that.”

He adds intriguingly: “I may have been offered an offer and said no, but I would never say if that was the case.”

The Chelsea Flower Pension Show

They are always a splendid sight at the Chelsea Flower Show, which takes place in the grounds of their home, the Royal Hospital Chelsea. But next year Chelsea pensioners will have their own garden designed just for them, I hear who will be the star of the show.

The London Square Chelsea Retirement Garden is created by Dave Green. Green-fingered veterans are getting involved and their ideas have shaped the design, right down to a touch of scarlet on the seats, which will be made from recycled retirees' ceremonial uniforms.




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