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Fox News edited Trump's rambling responses and false claims in barbershop interview, full video released

Fox News edited Trump's rambling responses and false claims in barbershop interview, full video released


CNN New York —

Fox News Channel's recent segment about Donald Trump's surprise visit to a hair salon in the Bronx sounded like a campaign ad for the former president's re-election.

Trump was seen answering questions and chatting with black and Hispanic customers and barbershop employees, some of whom wore Make Barbers Great Again shirts. The visit was part of Fox & Friends co-host Lawrence Jones' ongoing interview series with hairstylist.

But the version of the visit shown on television was, to borrow a hair metaphor, a short cut. Fox removed many of Trump's rambling comments and false claims. Participants had to follow up several times when Trump strayed from the initial point of their questions.

CNN reviewed more extensive video of the barbershop visit that was uploaded to Instagram the day of Trump's appearance in the Bronx and compared it to segments that aired on Fox & Friends on Monday.

Fox's edits omitted many of Trump's tangents and exaggerations, a striking move given Trump's recent attacks on the CBS news magazine 60 Minutes for editing an interview with his opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, in beginning of the month.

Trump's complaints about 60 Minutes focus on a Harris comment about Israel-US relations. He accused CBS of manipulating Harris' interview to make her look better and demanded that CBS release the unedited transcript of the interview, which CBS refused to do.

Ironically, however, Fox edited out several of Trump's recent appearances on the network, including his visit to the barbershop. And some modifications certainly make it better.

The TV broadcast omitted Trump's comments about Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio. He told the barbershop customers that they had just dumped 50,000 people and 32,000 migrants from another country in Springfield, Ohio. They don't know what to do. The actual number of migrants in Springfield is much lower, according to the city's own data. The show also left out Trump's gross exaggerations about crime in Aurora, Colorado.

One of the most revealing parts of the dialogue began when an audience member asked Trump to find a way to eliminate federal taxes in the future. On Fox, Trump immediately responded in the affirmative: There is a way.

But this response from Trump actually came more than seven minutes later, after Trump (and Jones) had discussed other topics, including legacies, the Keystone pipeline, Ronald Reagan, Russia and transgender athletes. Trump had to be repeatedly nudged back on track by the anonymous audience member, who kept backtracking, apologizing, and said I wasn't able to finish my question. After reiterating his tax investigation, Trump said there was a way.

But on Fox, everything was stitched together as one back and forth.

Fox also cut out some insults to the former president, such as when he mocked the Wall Street Journal, a Fox sister property. Don't listen to the fools on Wall Street or the Wall Street Journal, because they don't understand, Trump told the barbershop audience.

In another unaired portion of the visit, Trump praised Hungarian strongman Viktor Orban and called him a well-respected guy. This exchange highlighted Trump's tendency to favor autocratic leaders, but Fox decided not to share it with viewers.

A Fox News spokeswoman said each of the Jones Barber Shop segments was pre-recorded and edited. The Bronx edition lasted nearly an hour and was trimmed for time and clarity, the network said.

Trump's recent appearance on Fox News' MediaBuzz program was also pre-recorded and edited. One obvious shift occurred when Trump began repeating his false claims about the 2020 election, a sensitive topic for Fox since the network still faces defamation lawsuits related to its 2020 coverage.

They came to protest a rigged election, Trump said, referring to January 6. Then there was a sudden reduction, suggesting that some of Trump's distortions have been removed.




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