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How PM Modi convinced China on Latin America and Caribbean patrol deal | Latest news India

How PM Modi convinced China on Latin America and Caribbean patrol deal | Latest news India


The Narendra Modi-Xi Jinping détente on resolving military frictions in eastern Ladakh after the PLA's transgression in May 2020 was in fact a test of the NDA government's resilience, resolve and of the commitment of the Indian army in the most difficult conditions and the total determination of the Indian army. coordination between the army and Indian diplomacy.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi met Chinese President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the BRICS summit.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi met Chinese President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the BRICS summit.

While the Modi-Xi meeting in Kazan went ahead and both leaders behaved appropriately, the delegation-level talks paved the way for dialogue among special representatives on negotiating de-escalation of buildup military along the 3,488 km Line of Actual Control. , while the foreign ministers of the two countries will chart the way forward to normalize relations. National Security Advisor Ajit Doval will represent India in the RS dialogue, and Wang Yi, commission director of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and foreign minister, will represent Beijing and work to eliminate military friction on both sides of the LAC. Wang will also be Foreign Minister S Jaishankar's interlocutor in the normalization dialogue.

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The resumption of patrols of the two armies in the Depsang Bulge and Demchok areas of eastern Ladakh is the result of arduous negotiations between the interlocutors of the Working Mechanism for Consultation and Coordination on Indo-India Border Affairs and China (WMCC) at the diplomatic table and senior military brass. commanders from the corps to division level, under the direction of the high-level Interdepartmental China Study Group (CSG). The WMCC met 17 times after the bloody clashes of June 15, 2020 in Galwan and military commanders met 21 times to negotiate disengagement and resumption of patrols.

Although the disengagement from the Gogra-Hot Springs-Khugrang Nullah region was announced on September 9, 2022, India remained firm on resuming patrolling rights in Depsang Bulge and Demchok and made it clear that the path towards Normalization depended on compliance with these key military conditions. Even as the Opposition Congress has raised questions over the deal and buffer zones, it is learned that the buffer zones in key friction points of Galwan, Gogra-Hot Springs-Khugrang Nullah and Pangong Tso are not permanent with the Indian army. and the commitment to patrol these areas in the near future. Buffer zones were not touched in the patrol agreement because it would have reopened the entire issue and could have created new problems. The patrolling agreement reached was limited only to the western sector as the Indian Army and the PLA had locked each other at Depsang and Demchok along the 1,597-kilometer border in eastern Ladakh. The agreement on resuming patrolling buys diplomatic space for India and ensures that China will not be used as India's vulnerability by acquired powers. It also gives more credibility to Prime Minister Narendra Modi as a leader who refused to back down despite the PLA rallying throughout the LAC in the Western, Middle and Eastern sectors. Although Indian Army patrols are yet to resume in Depsang and Demchok, the agreement has led to an easing of the situation in Eastern Ladakh LAC as well as a reduction in border tensions in the region.

Once the disengagement is complete and patrols resume, India and China will need to negotiate the details of de-escalation, as more than 50,000 troops, tanks, missile and rocket regiments are assembled on both sides of the LAC, with aircraft combat personnel on standby in hinterland bases. in Tibet and the Sinkiang region of China and from Srinagar to Gwalior to Tezpur on the Indian side. Both armies need to reduce their presence to April 2020 levels as a large body of troops is forward deployed in eastern Ladakh and the PLA reserve is deployed behind the lines in the eastern sector. The big question is whether troops from both sides will be transferred from the LAC to their barracks or how far will they be in terms of time and logistics from the LAC? With the agreement yet to be implemented on the ground, both armies will have to endure the arctic winters and snowstorms of Eastern Ladakh for the fifth consecutive year.

Although the Congress blames the Narendra Modi government for collapsing under Chinese military pressure, all the border problems with China are a military legacy of the 1950s and the beginnings of the 1962 war. The unresolved border is a testimony of the occupation of Aksai Chin by Chinese forces during the construction of the highway between Lhasa and Urumqi in 1956. It also recalls the weakness of the political, military and intelligence leaders of the time, who learned the existence of Tibet. -Sinkiang Highway after its announcement. All the military contributions of the Indian Embassy in Beijing have been subsumed into the fake Hindi-Chinese narratives of Bhai Bhai.

While the conversation between Prime Minister Modi and President Xi was civil and cordial in Kazan, India will take firm and verified steps towards normalization of relations with China so that no flare-up of border tensions arises. produced during the interregnum. The PLA, on the other hand, will also be limited in its unilateral actions against the LAC, as the patrol agreement has the sanction of President Xi, who is also chairman of the Central Military Commission in addition to being the supreme leader of China. Prime Minister Modi has given a mantra of mutual trust, mutual respect and mutual sensitivity to take the bilateral relationship forward, when the world cannot afford the cost of a military confrontation between India and China.

When Indian military patrols patrol Points 10 to 13 A in Depsang and Charding Ningling Nullah junction in Demchok in the coming days, they will remember the lessons learned from the May 2020 transgressions and the fragility of peace in the LAC. India and China will have to manage the LAC region as any unilateral steps will freeze their ties, just like the polar winters in eastern Ladakh. The PLA and the world at large will also remember the resilience of the political leadership and the unwavering commitment of the Indian Army soldiers on the ground. The two armies were on the brink of war during the Indian Army's courageous operations south of Pangong Tso from August 29 to 31, 2020, when an Indian tank fired a warning volley towards the advancing tanks of the Indian Army. 'APL on the Rechin La-Rezang La ridge.




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