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President Joko Widodo's return to Solo revives hometown spirit

President Joko Widodo's return to Solo revives hometown spirit


After serving as President of the Republic of Indonesia for two terms, Joko Widodo or better known as Jokowi, decided to return to his hometown of Solo, also known as Surakarta.

Jokowi's return to Solo after his term ended has become a hot topic of conversation, not only among Solo residents, but also nationally. Many hope that Jokowi's return to his hometown will have a positive impact on Solo.

The city of Solo, where Jokowi was born, has special meaning for him. It's where his political career began, and it's where he will return after decades of serving the country.

How will Solo evolve after the return of the man who was once president? The following is a closer look at what to expect from President Jokowi's return to Solo.

Jokowi, a leader close to the people

Since the start of his political career, Jokowi has been known as a leader close to the people. His simple and transparent leadership style managed to capture the hearts of the public, beginning with his term as mayor of Solo in 2005.

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During his tenure in Solo, he managed to improve the face of the city through people-friendly policies, such as revitalizing traditional markets and improving public transportation.

His success in Solo then paved the way for Jokowi to become governor of DKI Jakarta and was eventually elected President of Indonesia for two terms. Even though he became a national leader, Jokowi still refers to Solo as the place that shaped his character and leadership principles.

It is therefore not surprising that Solo has a very deep meaning for Jokowi.

Expected return

Upon his return last Sunday (20/10), Jokowi flew to Solo aboard a Boeing 737 registered A-7309 Air Squadron 17. There was a touching moment during his trip, namely when Jokowi greeted the fighter jet pilot who. escorted him while he was in the air.

This moment is considered a form of appreciation and pride for the pilots who ensured their safety during the flight to Solo.

After nearly a decade as Indonesia's leader, Jokowi's return to Solo is expected to be a historic moment. For Solo residents, Jokowi's presence is not just that of an ordinary citizen, but that of a figure with great influence.

Many hope that even though he is no longer president, Jokowi will still contribute to Solo.

The return of a 7th president certainly has no small impact. Solo residents, especially community and regional leaders, are excited about Jokowi's return. Many believe that its presence in Solo can be a source of inspiration for local governments in developing programs that support the population and improve the well-being of the community.

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Positive influence for the city of Solo

Even though he no longer holds a formal political position, the role of a 7th president like Jokowi cannot be ignored. His strong personality and ability to understand people's needs could be a great asset for Solo's future development.

Solo City could experience several potential positive impacts after Jokowi's return:

Increased community involvement

Jokowi's return is expected to spark a spirit of community involvement in the city's development. Jokowi is known as a figure who supports community participation in the development process.

During his tenure in Solo and Jakarta, he promoted many programs involving the community, ranging from public debates to mass community service. It is hoped that Jokowi's return will encourage a stronger spirit of mutual cooperation and solidarity among Solo residents.

Encourage the improvement of public services

One of Jokowi's main goals when he was mayor of Solo was to improve the quality of public services. Market revitalization, improvement of road infrastructure and public transport are priorities.

Solo residents hope that Jokowi's experiences and ideas while ruling Indonesia can be applied in this city again. It is hoped that the programs he launched, such as the revitalization of traditional markets and the improvement of public transport services, can be continued and developed by the regional government.

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Strengthening Solo's cultural identity

Solo is known as a cultural city with a very rich traditional heritage. As someone born and raised in Solo, Jokowi truly appreciates local cultural values.

His return could be an impetus to strengthen Solo's cultural identity, particularly among the younger generation. Various cultural festivals, traditional arts and cultural heritage preservation may receive greater attention with Jokowi's return to this city.

Inspiration for the younger generation

Jokowi is a clear example that a great leader can be born from a small town like Solo. It is hoped that his return to Solo will inspire the younger generation to continue to dream big and contribute to the nation.

With the experience and dedication he has shown so far, Jokowi can motivate the youth of Solo to become actively involved in the development process of the city and the country.

Solo, a cultural city steeped in history, now looks to the future with optimism. Jokowi's return is a symbol that positive change is always possible, even where it all began.

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