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Xi Jinping would treat Harris 'like a baby': Trump's provocative comments

Xi Jinping would treat Harris 'like a baby': Trump's provocative comments


As the countdown to Election Day intensifies, former President Donald Trump has stepped up his attacks on Vice President Kamala Harris, employing condescending rhetoric that infantilizes the Democratic nominee. During a recent interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, Trump suggested that if Harris won the presidency, Chinese President Xi Jinping would. […]

As the countdown to Election Day intensifies, former President Donald Trump has stepped up his attacks on Vice President Kamala Harris, employing condescending rhetoric that infantilizes the Democratic nominee. During a recent interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, Trump suggested that if Harris won the presidency, Chinese President Xi Jinping would treat her like a baby. This statement reflects a broader pattern of denigrating language that Trump has used throughout his political career, particularly against women.

Trump's comments come amid growing tensions as both candidates seek to sway voters in the final days before the election. Asked how Xi would interact with Harris, Trump responded, “Like a baby,” adding that the Chinese leader would quickly take away all the candy, comparing her to a novice in a complex game. It would be like a chess grandmaster playing against a beginner, he claimed.

A long history of insults

Trump's political narrative has long been characterized by derogatory nicknames and personal attacks. Since his first presidential campaign in 2016, he has coined infamous labels for his opponents, such as Low Energy Jeb Bush and Little Marco Rubio. His recent tirades against Harris have taken a particularly demeaning tone, as he has called her lazy and stupid, terms that carry a long history of racial and sexist connotations.

The timing of these remarks is significant, as Election Day approaches, intensifying scrutiny of both candidates. Trump's campaign has not commented on the details of his latest remarks, which some observers view as a calculated strategy aimed at undermining Harris' credibility.

Intensification of rhetoric and personal attacks

Trump's rhetoric has taken a darker turn as the election approaches. At a rally in Tempe, Arizona, he accused Harris of betrayal of America, despite falling crime rates. He said his leadership represented the most egregious betrayal any leader in American history has ever inflicted on our people, a statement that reflects his attempts to frame the election as a fight for the future of the country.

In response, Harris did not hesitate to launch counterattacks, calling Trump increasingly unhinged and unstable. During a CNN town hall, she called him a fascist, indicating that the stakes are high and both candidates are determined to define each other in the eyes of the electorate.

Allies join the attack

Trump's allies have also adopted similar themes. At a rally in Georgia, former Fox News host Tucker Carlson suggested that Trump was ready to discipline Harris for her political actions, saying: Dad is pissed. And when dad comes home, you know what he says? You have been a bad girl. This framing serves to reinforce the infantilization narrative, suggesting that Harris's policy decisions warrant punishment rather than legitimate speech.

As both candidates prepare for crucial rallies, and Harris prepares to join former President Barack Obama and musician Bruce Springsteen for a major event, the campaign continues to be marked by personal insults and opinions deeply polarized.

As the election approaches, Trump and Harris' rhetoric is emblematic of the high stakes involved. As Trump resorts to personal attacks to undermine Harris' credibility, she remains steadfast, firing back with criticism of her own. This exchange of barbs is likely to shape the discourse in the final days before the election, leaving voters in a charged atmosphere.

ALSO READ: Bruce Springsteen warns of American tyrant Trump at Kamala Harris rally in Georgia




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