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Naomi Long launches scathing attack on terrible human being Donald Trump, outrageous Boris Johnson and tiny Rishi Sunak – The Irish News

Naomi Long launches scathing attack on terrible human being Donald Trump, outrageous Boris Johnson and tiny Rishi Sunak – The Irish News


Justice Minister Naomi Long has launched a scathing attack on several public figures, calling Donald Trump a terrible human being and Boris Johnson one of the most untrustworthy people I have ever met in politics.

The Alliance Party leader did not shy away from her comments during a recent podcast, also describing former Northern Ireland Secretary of State Chris Heaton-Harris as rather gloomy and Nigel Farage as a braggart who supported the bar.

It was a more docile approach for ex-Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who she described as being really petty.

Ms Long was speaking on the Give My Head podcast with Tim McGarry, Michael McDowell and Damon Quinn, where, discussing her career, she gave her own frank assessment of several US, UK and Irish politicians.

The Alliance leader was a guest on the Give My Head podcast with Tim McGarry, Michael McDowell and Damon Quinn. PHOTO: YOUTUBE
The Alliance leader was a guest on the Give My Head podcast with Tim McGarry, Michael McDowell and Damon Quinn. PHOTO: YOUTUBE

One of the harshest criticisms was leveled at Mr Johnson, who she said she would not leave alone in a room with her handbag.

She also mocked his idea to build a bridge between Northern Ireland and Scotland.

I said, “That’s the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard.”

He probably enjoyed the fighting a little bit, but it was just, it was just weird to have someone who was so crazy in control.

Mr Johnson's successor, Rishi Sunak, has also faced criticism, including over his appearance from Ms Long, who has previously criticized others for commenting on politicians' appearance.

He reminded me of, do you know, one of those over-enthusiastic school prefects, she said.

Former British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Boris Johnson
Former British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Boris Johnson

Discussing Mr Sunak and his wife, Akshata Murty, the Stormont minister said she found their size fascinating.

He and his wife are really small, they look like real people… it's hard to describe, she said.

I'm short, but I'm not short. I've met a lot of short people and they don't look quite proportional to a shrunken tall person, short people tend not to look like that.

He and his wife look like tall people, but just smaller, it's hard to describe.

For my part, I found it fascinating.

Conservative Party leader Rishi Sunak and his wife Akshata Murty arrive in Birmingham on the eve of the conference
Former British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak with his wife Akshata Murty. PHOTO: STEFAN ROUSSEAU/PA

In discussing her relationships with several secretaries of state, she said Brandon Lewis was the one I probably crossed swords with the most, adding that she believed he knew everything.

Sir Brandon Lewis leaves the Clayton Hotel in Belfast after giving evidence at the UK Covid-19 inquiry hearing
Brandon Lewis, former NI Secretary of State

British Reform leader Mr Farage also drew criticism from Ms Long by talking about his time in the European Parliament, saying he never showed up, never went to its committees, but 'he stood at the bar to support the bar and be nothing but a braggart.

British Reform leader Nigel Farage with a cigarette and a pint in central London
Nigel Farage, British reform leader, with a cigarette and a pint in central London. PHOTO: STEFAN ROUSSEAU/PA

Turning to US politicians, she said former US President Donald Trump was a terrible human being, adding that he was despicable and knew he wore it as a badge of honour.

Former President Donald Trump, Republican presidential candidate, gestures during a campaign rally (AP/Alex Brandon)
Former President Donald Trump, Republican presidential candidate, gestures during a campaign rally. IMAGE: AP

Of Joe Biden, she remembers meeting the current US president, where they had this very open conversation about the death of his daughter, called Naomi, in a car accident.

President Joe Biden (Ebrahim Noroozi/AP)
President Joe Biden. IMAGE: AP

The appearance of another politician was also discussed during the podcast, with host McGarry surprised by the age of Taoiseach Simon Harris.

To be fair to him, he did his best not to look like one, he said, before Ms Long added: He doesn't look 37.

Her comments about appearance come after Ms Long previously spoke publicly about unwarranted comments about her own looks.

She said at the time that she didn't feel it was appropriate or necessary to make personal comments about my appearance.




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