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The Post supports Donald Trump for president, the clear choice for a better future

The Post supports Donald Trump for president, the clear choice for a better future


Voters bear a heavy responsibility in this one of the most consequential elections in the history of this great nation.

This choice will have repercussions for decades, determining which of two very different paths future Americans will follow.

Donald Trump rises up after the July assassination attempt: the Post now supports him in the presidential race. P.A.

We must choose the following:

A secure border and a sensible immigration system. Safer cities and support for public order. A thriving, low-tax, low-regulation economy for all, powered by an energy policy that supports, not penalizes, industry and households. Common-sense policies that give parents back the power to choose what's best for their children when it comes to school choice, gender surgery, and trans athletes playing women's sports. An America respected on the world stage, feared by our enemies and trusted by our allies.

Only one candidate can credibly claim to lead us there.

Donald Trump.

If history is any guide, the track record of the last two administrations provides a clearly comparable record.

To borrow from Ronald Reagan's famous book, Are You Better Off Now Than You Were Four Years Ago? : Voters should ask themselves whether they were better off under Trump or under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

His opponents focus on how the Trump administration has been marked by a nonstop soap opera of drama and chaos that they largely fueled.

And yes, many find it offensive and we say fair enough: it can be ridiculously hyperbolic.

But before COVID wreaked havoc across the world, the results of Trump's first term were wages that rose significantly faster than inflation, the lowest unemployment in 50 years, a secure border, and peace at home. the foreigner.

The Post's cover revealing Donald Trump's support for president.

In 2021, when Biden-Harris took power, the country took a radical leftward turn, with disastrous results.

During those nearly four years, inflation hit Americans, millions of migrants crossed the border illegally, some cities were overrun by gangs and crime, radical and ridiculous culture wars over DEI and of gender identity have pitted neighbors against each other.

Let us not forget that overshadowing all of this, the world is on the brink of all-out war.

Today, Trump demonstrates the same strength and vigor as he did in 2016, despite the unprecedented and shameful weaponization of the justice system against him, two assassination attempts, and the all-too-familiar constant barrage of media attacks hysterical against him.

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Meanwhile, Kamala Harris has been rightly criticized as an underqualified political lightweight because she refuses to answer almost any questions about the past four years or reveal detailed future policy plans.

What may be just as true is that she doesn't want the American people to know the extent of her radical plans, because that would scare them.

Indeed, any in-depth study of her record shows that it is that of a progressive from San Francisco.

If she wins, Harris will not only co-opt Bidenism, but accelerate the progressive hurricane that is devastating the fabric of American society.

This fall, voters will decide whether our country's future moves toward prosperity, security, freedom, opportunity and innovation.

Or stick to ruinous government largesse, deliberately divisive policies, appeasement and stagnation.

Trump wants to free businesses from stifling regulations and cut taxes for workers.

Harris would risk worsening inflation by giving even more government giveaways to special interests, financed by inflation-fueling debt or job-killing taxes.

Trump wants to lift restrictions on oil and gas production and drilling, baby, to strengthen America's energy independence and make the world less dependent on Russia and Iran, who hate the West.

Harris co-sponsored the radical Green New Deal in the Senate, which threw billions of dollars down the drain, and bragged about her war against big oil on her campaign website.

Trump treated Iran as a sponsor of terrorism; he withdraws from the sham nuclear deal, strengthens sanctions and eliminates Commander-in-Chief Qassem Soleimani.

Meanwhile, Biden-Harris has appeased the ayatollahs time and again, while bringing Israel to its knees, emboldening Tehran and its proxies.

The burden weighs heavy on our shoulders this November.

But Trump and Harris want to take us on very different roads, making the choice simple and stark, but vital.

Donald Trump is the right choice.




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