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Olaf Scholz in India: promise of German jobs for qualified Indians; Warm reunion with PM Modi and more

Olaf Scholz in India: promise of German jobs for qualified Indians; Warm reunion with PM Modi and more


Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday (October 25) met German Chancellor Olaf Scholz as the two world leaders will co-chair the seventh Inter-Governmental Consultation (IGC) and address the 18th Asia-Pacific German Business Conference in the national capital .

While participating in the Seventh IGC, Prime Minister Modi noted that the strategic partnership between the two nations has emerged as a strong anchor at a time when the world is facing conflicts, tensions and uncertainties. “In the Indo-Pacific region, there are serious concerns about the rule of law and freedom of navigation. At times like this, the strategic partnership between India and Germany has emerged as a point of focus. “solid anchor,” he said.

He recalled that this was Scholz's third visit to India, marking the “triple celebration” of friendship between India and Germany.

“I welcome Olaf Scholz and his delegation to India. I am pleased that we had the opportunity to welcome you for the third time in the last two years. The scale of the strategic partnership between India and Germany can be estimated from the activities carried out over the past 2-3 days,” PM Modi said at the joint press briefing with Scholz.

He further said that the partnership between the two nations had received new impetus under the leadership of Scholz. “I appreciate Chancellor Scholz for Germany's 'Focus on India' strategy. It aims to modernize and elevate the partnership between two great democracies,” he added.

Highlighting that ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and West Asia are a matter of concern, the Indian Prime Minister said the country has always believed that “problems cannot be resolved through war and India is ready to make every possible contribution to the restoration of peace.

“Twenty-five years ago we created the strategic partnership between Germany and India,” said the German Chancellor, adding that over time, cooperation between the two sides has become “more and more more confident, solid and substantial.

He added that Germany wants to attract more skilled workers from India in the fields of medicine and computer science. “To this end, we have developed a specific national agenda for India which we presented to our colleagues in New Delhi… Our countries also want to cooperate more closely in the areas of environmentally friendly and sustainable technologies such as digitalization , software, and semiconductor production,” he said.

Further calling India an “anchor of stability in South Asia”, Scholz said Russia's invasion of Ukraine affects Germany and India in several ways. “…I endorse India's support for a just and lasting peace, and I welcome your willingness to leverage the reliable relationships you have developed with all parties to contribute to a political solution to the conflict,” he said. -he affirmed.

On this occasion, India and Germany exchanged a Memorandum of Understanding on “Roadmap on Innovation and Technology and a Joint Statement of Intent in the field of Employment and Labour” at the Hyderabad House in Delhi. Among those present were ministers Rajnath Singh and Ashwini Vaishnaw.

Earlier today, Prime Minister Modi and Scholz participated in the 18th Asia-Pacific German Business Conference.

At the event, Prime Minister Modi invited German companies to invest in India, saying it was the best time to join the country's growth.

This is the right time to join India's growth story of becoming a global trade and manufacturing hub, Prime Minister Modi said at the event.

Addressing the event, Scholz said the 21st century world is “something where progress is the issue we have to work on.”

He emphasized strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries, saying: “We need more cooperation, not less.”

The German Chancellor arrived in India on Thursday evening for his three-day official visit to the country.

Welcoming him at his official residence, PM Modi shared a few photos on

“Our nations have a strong history of development cooperation and we look forward to building on this in times to come,” he added.

On his handle X, Scholz thanked PM Modi for his warm welcome.

“In this world, we need friends and allies, just like India and Germany. Dear @narendramodi, thank you for your warm welcome to New Delhi!” he wrote.

Interestingly, he also wrote and shared the same text in Hindi.

In 2023, Chancellor Scholz visited India twice, first for a bilateral state visit in February and then to attend the G20 leaders' summit in September.

It is then expected to travel to Goa, where “the German naval frigate 'Baden-Wuerttemberg' and the combat support ship 'Frankfurt am Main' will make a scheduled stopover as part of the German deployment in the Indo-Pacific,” it said. indicated the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. .

He added that the two countries have maintained a strategic partnership since 2000, which has deepened and diversified into various sectors in recent years.

This year, India and Germany also celebrate 50 years of scientific and technological collaboration.




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