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Harris and Beyoncé to rally in Texas while Trump sits for interview with Joe RoganExBulletin

Harris and Beyoncé to rally in Texas while Trump sits for interview with Joe RoganExBulletin


Vice President Harris speaks at a campaign rally in Georgia on Thursday. On Friday, she heads to Houston for a rally with Beyoncé. Drew Angerer/AFP via Getty Images .

switch captionDrew Angerer/AFP via Getty Images

Texas is not a swing state that will decide the next president, but the stops Vice President Harris and former President Donald Trump make there Friday could have an impact, or so they hope.

The Lonestar State may seem like an unusual stop with less than two weeks until voting closes, although there is a high-profile Senate race featuring Republican incumbent Ted Cruz and Democratic challenger Rep. Collin Allred . But the messages and materials planned by both campaigns underscore the urgency of their closing messages.

Harris plans to focus on Texas' strict abortion ban at her rally in Houston, as Democrats have spent years hammering Republicans over the unpopular crackdown on reproductive rights, with great success at the ballot box . Trump's appointment of three conservative justices to the Supreme Court and subsequent overturning of Roe v. Wade constituted a major handicap for him.

During her election campaign, Harris also featured the stories of several women who say their lives have been endangered by abortion bans, including in Texas. A new ad released this week by his campaign features a Texas woman who was denied care following a miscarriage. She developed a septic infection that required emergency surgery, and because of what happened, she may never be able to have children. The audio in the background is of Trump at a recent rally saying he would be a protector of women.

The Houston rally will also feature local superstar Beyonc, whose song “Freedom” served as Harris' campaign anthem. Harris gained support from many artists like Taylor Swift, Megan Thee Stallion and Bruce Springsteen, who performed several songs at a rally Thursday in Atlanta with former President Barack Obama.

“We understand here that we have an opportunity before us to turn the page on the fear and divisions that have characterized our politics for a decade because of Donald Trump,” Harris said Thursday. “We have the opportunity to turn the page and chart a new path and path forward with joy.”

Trump to join Joe Rogan for interview

Former President Donald Trump speaks during a rally at Mullett Arena on Thursday in Tempe, Arizona. Trump is traveling to Texas on Friday, where he is scheduled to record an interview with Joe Rogan. Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images .

switch captionAnna Moneymaker/Getty Images

Meanwhile, Trump will deliver a speech on immigration and the border in Austin before recording a podcast with Joe Rogan, who has millions of followers and a largely younger, more male audience, a key demographic for the former president.

Unlike other, more friendly interviews Trump has participated in in recent weeks, Rogan has not always been without criticism of him. In an August podcast, Rogan appeared to praise Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who at the time was running for president as a third-party candidate. In the episode, Rogan said politicians on both sides of the aisle “gaslight you, they manipulate you, they promote narratives.”

This angered Trump, and Rogan quickly tried to make things right.

“This is me saying I like RFKjr as a person, and I really appreciate the way he discusses things with courtesy and intelligence,” Rogan wrote on X. “I also think Trump raises his fist and said 'fight!' after getting shot is one of the most American things ever I'm not one to get political information.

Trump's media strategy this election cycle has relied heavily on these friendly, male-heavy podcasts and influencers, who largely avoid probing political questions and portray the former president as a friendly, approachable figure.

The two appearances in Texas also highlight what could potentially be the largest gender gap in a recent presidential election, with Harris increasing support among women and Trump among men.




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