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Joe Rogan Experience podcast to interview Donald Trump today. Here's what you need to know about the show.

Joe Rogan Experience podcast to interview Donald Trump today. Here's what you need to know about the show.


Joe Rogan will interview Donald Trump today, marking the first time the popular podcast The Joe Rogan Experience will feature a former president on the program.

Trump's interview with Rogan comes as the former president has opted out of some appearances on major television networks (including CBS News, the parent company of, while still providing interviews to podcasters and YouTube channels like the Logan Paul Podcast.

The Joe Rogan Experience, the most popular podcast on Spotify, has attracted more than 14 million audiences on the streaming service. Rogan's free-form interviews have included everyone from scientists like Neil deGrasse Tyson to artists such as Post Malone. Its audience is 80% male, but is split between Democrats, Republicans and independents, which could pose a key opportunity for candidates as they campaign in the final days leading up to Election Day on Nov. 5, according to Edison Research.

“With such a diverse and politically balanced audience, Rogan's show provides candidates with an invaluable opportunity to reach key voter groups, particularly independents and younger voters,” Edison said in a blog post at beginning of the month.

Here's what you need to know about Rogan, his podcast and his upcoming interview with Trump.

Who is Joe Rogan?

Rogan, 57, got his start as a comedian and actor, with a leading role on the NBC sitcom “NewsRadio,” where he played Joe Garrelli, an electrician for the show's fictional radio station.

He later hosted the game show “Fear Factor” and appeared on television shows – sometimes appearing as himself – such as “Silicon Valley” and “The Man Show.” Rogan also appeared in several comedy specials such as 2007's “Shiny Happy Jihad.”

When did Joe Rogan Experience start recording?

Rogan began recording his podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience, in 2009, with the show reaching 11 million listeners in 2015.

Rogan then signed an exclusive deal with Spotify in 2020, which he extended into 2024 for a reported $250 million over the life of the contract.

When does Joe Rogan Experience usually release new episodes?

The Joe Rogan Experience pre-records several days before its podcast episodes are released, with interviews typically released daily at 1 p.m. Eastern, Tuesday through Friday and sometimes on Saturday.

When will Joe Rogan Experience release his interview with Trump?

While Trump meets with Rogan on October 25 in Austin, Texas, the show has not revealed the day it will air the interview. But a source close to the matter said the interview would likely be published on October 26. Neither Spotify nor the Trump campaign immediately responded to requests for comment.

What are Joe Rogan's political views?

Joe Rogan has said he is not a conservative, even describing himself as a “bleeding heart liberal” in a 2022 episode of his show, according to Variety.

“I'm very far from being a Republican. Simply because I believe in the Second Amendment and simply because I support the military and simply because I support the police. [doesn’t mean I’m a Republican]” he said.

Rogan also added that he supports a strong social safety net, noting that his family was on welfare when he was a child.

His podcast has hosted people with a wide range of political views, including Sen. Bernie Sanders — whom Rogan supported in the 2020 Vermont Independent primary campaign — to conservative activist Christopher Rufo.

As for his opinion of Trump, Rogan has expressed ambivalence, calling him a “polarizing figure” and once saying he would never have him on his podcast, according to Newsweek.

Where does Joe Rogan live and record his podcast?

Rogan lives in Austin, Texas, where he also records his podcast. He and his family live in a nearly 11,000-square-foot home in Austin's Spanish Oaks neighborhood, according to a local real estate company.

The $17 million home, which features eight bedrooms, as well as a home theater, gym, sauna, wine cellar and pool, was designed by star architect and Studio MK27 founder, Marcio Kogan.

Who is Joe Rogan's wife, Jessica Ditzel?

Joe Rogan married Jessica Ditzel in 2009 and the couple have two daughters, Lola and Rosy, as well as Ditzel's daughter, Kayja Rose, from a previous relationship, according to People magazine. Ditzel, a former cocktail waitress, is a “happy person,” Rogan said in 2022.

“She's happy to be there – these are the kind of people you could have in your life as friends, co-workers, lovers, wives and husbands. When you find these people, your life is better.” , he declared.

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