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The Bookseller – Rights – Alpana Sajip lands first contract for Picador with pre-emption for Dr Misha Ewen's first commercial book

The Bookseller – Rights – Alpana Sajip lands first contract for Picador with pre-emption for Dr Misha Ewen's first commercial book


Senior editor Alpana Sajip has landed her first contract for Picador, Pan Macmillan's literary imprint, with a preview for Dr Misha Ewen's first trade book. Imperial ties: An intimate history of women and the British Empire.Sajip pre-empted the UK and Commonwealth rights of Charlotte Seymour at Johnson and Alcock.

Ewen was inspired to write this book after discovering a shocking family story in 2017. She discovered that her six times great-grandmother, Myrtilla, born in Africa, had, as a young woman, was captured and imprisoned for weeks. in a dungeon on the Gold Coast before being enslaved on a coffee plantation in Jamaica. However, when slavery was abolished, it was the mixed-race daughter of a former slave, Sarah Church, who received compensation for the loss of her “property”, including Myrtilla and her children.

This discovery sparked a journey of discovery for Ewen and led her to writeImperial ties.The publisher said it was “a historical work that challenges us to see women as the perpetrators, as well as the victims, of colonial violence and exploitation.”

The synopsis continues: “Imperial ties is not a story of celebration of women's agency, nor a sympathetic account of female achievement. It is a disturbing story that shows how women were not only intimately involved and personally complicit in British expansion, but also key to its success. »

Sajip said, “Imperial ties is an essential and compelling story that will change the way people understand the British Empire and its legacy. Misha skillfully brings together fascinating vignettes and characters to create a sweeping, panoramic story that refocuses women as both willing and forced protagonists of British imperial expansion. For many of the empire's children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren who carry their history with them, stories like these are deeply personal; Misha is the perfect guide to take readers with her on this journey. I can't wait to publish this on Picador.

Ewen said: When I made my discovery about Myrtilla and Sarah, it opened up new questions for me about the heavy complicity of women in the empire. For a long time, I wanted to bring this personal story and those of other women involved in the empire to a wider audience. Alpana immediately understood what it means to have inherited these stories and why they need to be told, which is why I couldn't be more excited to publish them with Picador.




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