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What PM Modi said on Ukraine war in 'detailed talks' with German chancellor

What PM Modi said on Ukraine war in 'detailed talks' with German chancellor


New Delhi:

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict was discussed “in great detail” during a meeting on Friday between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, with New Delhi reiterating that it was “not neutral” in this conflict and remained on the “side of peace”. ” said Foreign Minister Vikram Misri.

The meeting between the two leaders took place days after Prime Minister Modi attended the BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia. In his speech to the forum, he renewed his call for dialogue and diplomacy as the only way forward to resolve conflicts, in an unambiguous message for pressure. the resolution of the Russian-Ukrainian war through peaceful negotiations.

At a press conference, Mr. Misri was asked about the place of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the conflict in West Asia in the Modi-Scholz negotiations.

“Yes, I can confirm that both issues were raised, and they were discussed in great detail. The Prime Minister (Narendra Modi) shared with the Chancellor his thoughts on his meetings and interactions over the past few months with the leaders of both countries and in Ukraine, as well as the peace efforts we are making to continue the dialogue with all parties,” he said.

“Some of the ideas that different players have been talking about and how India remains on the side of peace. We are not neutral in this conflict, we are on the side of peace. And we are ready to support any initiative towards peace. peace, benefiting from or leveraging our ability to engage with all parties in this conflict,” added the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

India supports dialogue and diplomacy and not war, Prime Minister Modi had said at the BRICS summit.

In July, Prime Minister Modi had visited Russia, marking his first visit since the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

In August, he visited Ukraine at the invitation of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

During his meeting with Chancellor Scholz on Friday, Prime Minister Modi echoed the words of his historic visit to kyiv, against the backdrop of a protracted conflict.

“We (India) are not neutral. From the beginning, we took sides. And we chose the side of peace. We come from the land of Buddha where there is no place for war” , Prime Minister Modi had said in his opening remarks during the talks.

“We come from the country of Mahatma Gandhi who transmitted a message of peace to the whole world,” he declared.

Mr. Misri said that regarding the conflict in West Asia, “both sides expressed concern” about the developments in that country and expressed hope that “an already serious conflict” which has caused much damage, casualties and destruction, “will not spread further and will not expand further.” “We must not involve more actors in its field of action and so that the parties concerned can find the path to dialogue and diplomacy and reach an agreement on these issues.”

Prime Minister Modi on Friday said the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and West Asia were a matter of concern and India was ready to make whatever contribution it could towards restoring peace.

His remarks came after talks with Chancellor Scholz, who called on India to help find a political solution to the long-raging conflict in Ukraine.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)




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