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Susi Pudjiastuti threatens to sink fish-stealing ships in today's memory, October 25, 2018

Susi Pudjiastuti threatens to sink fish-stealing ships in today's memory, October 25, 2018


JAKARTA – Today's memory, six years ago, October 25, 2018, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), Susi Pudjiastuti warned perpetrators of illegal fishing to be careful in dealing with them. Whoever rapes her threatens to sink her ship.

Previously, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) recognized Susi's achievements. This admiration led Jokowi to give Susi the image of a fierce and aggressive minister. Jokowi praised Susi for drowning many fishing boats.

Efforts to maximize the potential of marine and fishery wealth constitute Susi Pudjiastuti's main mission as Minister of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. He wanted marine wealth to be maximized by the Indonesian people. In fact, the mission was not easy.

Indonesia's marine riches have attracted the interest of many foreign entrepreneurs in the fishing sector. They are attracted by the potential of the Indonesian navy. Instead of applying for permits for all kinds of things, they actually choose the simplest option: illegal fishing. They entered the jidat in the Indonesian sea.

This condition causes many foreign-flagged ships to travel back and forth through Indonesia's oceans. Indonesia's losses are quite significant as its marine wealth continues to be transported. Local fishermen then became victims. Those who were supposed to be prosperous by the state had difficulty finding fish.

This situation later changed during the time of the Susi Pudjiastuti government, which tried to put an end to all kinds of illegal fishing. He tried to find loopholes in the law (UU) which legalized the firm action of foreign fishing boats. Susi also found Law Number 45 of 2009.

The legal product strictly regulates the sinking of fishing vessels that fly in Indonesian marine areas. Susi then stepped on the accelerator and asked President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) for blessing. The blessing has been obtained. Susi's action to capture and sink the foreign ships began.

Susi's actions had pros and cons. However, Susi just considered the wind. The ship's sinking continues.

Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti was at “war” with a foreign ship that was stealing Indonesian fish. He even admitted that he was ready to direct his Susi Air plane to bomb foreign ships one by one.

“In mid-December 2014, captured fishing boats were set on fire and sunk and “expelled” 1,928 Vietnamese fishermen from Indonesian waters. The development of maritime resources still faces many problems and challenges in its development, for example, the occurrence of curvature damage to coastal and marine ecosystems. in the form of physical damage and pollution in several coastal and marine areas”, explains Andi Iqbal Burhanuddin in the book Realizing the World Maritime Axis (2015).

Susi's refusal to sink the foreign fishing thieves was appreciated by many parties. President Jokowi himself revealed that Susi is his minister who excels but has a fierce and aggressive aura on October 24, 2018. Jokowi joked that no one dared to protest against Susi out of fear.

Gayung also greeted. Susi responded to Jokowi's praise. This praise was used as a threat against foreign fish entrepreneurs who wanted to steal fish illegally. Susi threatened to pay attention to him on October 25, 2018.

Susi made this statement through social media Twitter /

“Mr. President said I am Galak, aggressive, so be careful, I will drown the same,” Susi said via Twitter/X account @susipudjiastusi, October 25, 2018.

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