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What happened to Trkiye joining BRICS?

What happened to Trkiye joining BRICS?


President Recep Tayyip Erdoan met with Russian Minister of State Vladimir Putin as part of the BRICS summit (TUR Presidency/Murat Cetinmuhurdar – Anadolu Agency)

Despite considerable enthusiasm over Turkey's potential BRICS membership, the outcome has yielded few concrete results.

Alongside Algeria, Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Nigeria, Thailand, Uganda, Uzbekistan and Vietnam, Turkey was designated simply as a “partner” within BRICS.

The expected full membership, which had sparked debates about possible abandonment by the West, did not materialize.

It appears that the three dominant BRICS powers, China, India and Russia, have not reached a consensus on Turkey's potential contributions or responsibilities, likely seeking to maintain the current balance of relations. power.

BRICS membership resembles EU membership process

Turkey's experience with BRICS in some ways resembles its long process of joining the EU. Unlike recently admitted full BRICS members, such as the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Egypt and Ethiopia, Turkey is in a lower category.

At the last moment, a long-discussed proposal from Russia to position Turkey as a virtual natural gas hub was presented, although it lacks feasibility under current circumstances.

In conclusion, Trkiye's journey to BRICS membership paralleled that of its EU candidacy. We have been relegated to a waiting room alongside countries like Belarus, Cuba and Bolivia.

Ultimately, the final decision regarding our status will rest with the three great powers, namely Egypt, Iran and Ethiopia.

In my opinion, this situation resulted in a significant loss of diplomatic prestige.

It would have been better to avoid such a situation.

The debate on Trkiye's BRICS candidacy

In September, Bloomberg published a report claiming that Trkiye had submitted an application to join BRICS.

Notably, this news emerged just four days after Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan attended the European Union's Gymnich meeting, his first invitation to the forum in five years.

Following this information, Yuri Ushakov, an aide to Russian President Putin, confirmed Trkiye's request for full membership on September 4.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry also expressed its willingness to support similar partnership agreements under the BRICS cooperation framework.

Subsequently, AKP spokesperson Merelik confirmed that Trkiye's application for BRICS membership remains active and the process continues.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoan's participation in the BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia, from October 22 to 24, sparked speculation that Trkiye's membership could be approved at the meeting. However, the summit concluded with a decision to grant “partner” status to the 13 countries that had requested full membership.

In the aftermath of the summit, rumors circulated that India had vetoed Trkiye's BRICS membership due to the country's close ties with Pakistan. Indian authorities quickly refuted these claims. In a briefing note to Euronews, Indian officials noted that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had “warmly welcomed the new members to the family” and “expressed satisfaction with the expanded summit.”

BRICS has recently expanded to include Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia and Egypt. Besides Trkiye, other countries expressing interest in membership include Malaysia, Thailand and Azerbaijan.

Five BRICS flags and stars of the European Union




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