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Different from Jokowi, President Prabowo's car is white

Different from Jokowi, President Prabowo's car is white


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.comThe president's car used by Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at the end of his term was Mercedes-Benz Guard S680. This car is also used by President of the Republic of Indonesia Prabowo Subiantobut with a slight difference.

The difference is on the outside. The S680 Guard used by Prabowo is no longer black like the one used by Jokowi, but the body has become white.

Also read: The last official car used by Joko Widodo when he was President of the Republic of Indonesia

However, presidential car the one used by Prabowo is actually the same one used by Jokowi. This information was confirmed by Mercedes-Benz Indonesia.

Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Ma'ruf Amin crossed Jalan Semanggi towards the DPR/MPR RI Dori Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Ma'ruf Amin crossed Jalan Semanggi towards the DPR/MPR RI complex

“The S680 above is the same one worn by Mr. Jokowi yesterday, only the color is different,” said Kariyanto Hardjosoemarto, PT sales and marketing director. Thumb cap Indomobil Distribution Indonesia, contacted by, Saturday (10/26/2024).

According to Kariyanto, the color change is just finishing. However, for further clarification, the Secretary of State can provide this information.

Also read: Mercedes-Benz S600 Guard and S680 Guard presidential cars, what is the difference?

For information, the S680 Guard is currently a civilian car offering the highest level of safety. Thus, several heads of state use it as presidential car.

Interior guard Mercedes-Benz S680While. Interior guard Mercedes-Benz S680

S-Class This bodywork is specially designed and has VPAM VR10 certification. Apart from that, this car would be the only one to undergo the highest ballistic test for a civilian car range.

The interior surface of the glass is coated with polycarbonate for protection against debris. In addition to being bulletproof, the body is also explosion-proof. Because the body parts, including the floor, roof and body sides, meet the requirements of ERV 2010 (Explosion Resistant Vehicle).

Interior guard Mercedes-Benz S680While. Interior guard Mercedes-Benz S680

The S680 Guard has an onboard fire suppression system. So you can immediately put out the fire in the car. Then, Mercedes-Benz also installed a fresh air system to anticipate smoke and gas attacks.

This car can still drive if the tire is flat, because it relies on runflat tires. However, it can only travel about 30 km.

With all kinds of built-in safety features, the weight can reach 4,255 kg. This S-Class measures 5,489 mm long, 1,954 mm wide and 1,508 mm high.

Official car of the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Mercedes-Benz S680 GuardDoc. Vice President's Secretariat Official car of the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Mercedes-Benz S680 Guard

In terms of engines, Mecedes-Benz is banking on a V12 engine with a displacement of 6,000 cm3 twin-turbo. This engine can produce 612 PS of power and 830 Nm of torque. This engine is also used by Mercedes-Maybach. Acceleration capability from 0 to 100 kilometers per hour can be achieved in 8.3 seconds.

The Mercedes-Benz S680 Guard is also on general sale. This car is marketed with a starting price of 387,600 British pounds, or approximately Rp. 7.8 billion.

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