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Trump says he's really, really rich. With a possible presidential victory looming, here's how much he's actually worth

Trump says he's really, really rich. With a possible presidential victory looming, here's how much he's actually worth


If there's one thing many people know about former president and current Republican nominee Donald Trump, it's that he is, in his own words, really, really rich.

The exact parameters of his wealth have been hotly debated, and his actual worth has varied wildly over the course of his professional career.

Between the 78-year legacy, his major real estate investments, his TV licensing deals, his mountain of lawsuits and settlements, and of course his tenure as president, analysts have looked at Trump's actual wealth, which often differs considerably from the one he had. says that is the case. Trump himself hasn't helped matters, given his steadfast reluctance over the years to release his tax returns.

Nevertheless, he is moving forward. He currently ranks 473rd on the Bloombergs Billionaire Index list of the world's 500 richest people. This week, Bloomberg valued Trump's fortune at $6.61 billion, and although Trump Media is responsible for most of this recent rise, it ultimately cites real estate as a source of wealth.

Indeed, one of the main ways Trump's wealth has grown recently is his new company, Trump Media & Technology Group Corp., which owns the social media platform Truth Social. Trump Medias' stock price has nearly tripled in the past month. The company announced this week that it has launched an app for Amazon Fire TVs to access the Truth Socials Truth+ streaming platform, also available for Android, Apple TV and on the web.

But not all media outlets agree with Bloomberg. According to the Wall Street Journal, that amount ranges from $7.5 billion to $10 billion, more than double what it was when Trump was running for president the last two times. Meanwhile, Forbes, which is perhaps best known for its net worth estimates, reports that Trump is worth $6.5 billion. All this to say: The answer is that Trump is a billionaire and certainly asset-rich, but the numbers are fuzzy and the total fluctuates.

Think of Trump Media, for example. Its stock price has, this year, risen and fallen in tandem with Trump's odds of being elected. In recent weeks, as his chances have improved, Trump Media's stock price has climbed from its all-time low in September, on hopes that it will continue to rise if he is indeed elected. (When, earlier this year, Trump was convicted on 34 counts, the price fell precipitously.)

No matter how much literature a voter buys, the actual dollar amount is unlikely to become clear before the election. New York Attorney General Letitia James said Trump, on several occasions, likely overestimated his net worth by $3.6 billion over the years.




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