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A series of Jokowi's activities in Solo after his retirement

A series of Jokowi's activities in Solo after his retirement



The 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi), officially retired on Sunday, October 20, 2024. Together with his wife, Iriana, Jokowi returned to his residence in Sumber, Solo.

“I already told you that I want to sleep,” Jokowi first told the media team upon arriving at his residence after participating in the procession.

However, over the past week, he has been seen doing a number of activities. Whether with family, or during meetings with important officials.



Eat satay in Kartasura

About two days after retiring as president, Jokowi and Iriana had breakfast at Sate Kambing Mas Di, Kartasura, Sukoharjo. The two arrived around 09:00 WIB and returned an hour later.

“Mr. (Jokowi) immediately ordered buntel satay, tongseng and curry. Mother (Iriana) likes buntel satay, for dad, tongseng,” restaurant employee Sulistiani told the media team , Tuesday (10/22/2024).

Sulistiani revealed that Jokowi had been a client of Sate Kambing Mas Di for a long time. In fact, he was a customer before becoming mayor of Solo.

“Before becoming mayor, he often came here. When he was still a furniture owner,” he says.

There was a difference when Jokowi arrived while he was still president and after he retired.

“The only difference is the escort, not as strict as before. Before, there were a lot of people, a lot of people escort. “There were only six people (guards),” he said.

“It arrived immediately, like a regular guest. We walked in and ordered immediately. We were really surprised,” he added.

Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahya, Minister of Tolerance of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), visited the residence of Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in Sumber Village, Banjarsari District, Solo City, Wednesday 23/10/2024 .Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahya, Minister of Tolerance of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), visited the residence of Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in Sumber Village, Banjarsari District, Solo City, Wednesday 23/10/2024 . Photo: Agil Trisetiawan Putra/detikJateng

Meet the UAE Minister

A day later, precisely on Wednesday (23/10), the former governor of DKI Jakarta met with the Minister of Tolerance of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan.

Sheikh Nahyan's arrival was accompanied by Acting Mayor of Solo, Dhoni Widianto. The group arrived at Jokowi's residence at 1:12 p.m. WIB. Sheikh Nahyan met with Jokowi for about 30 minutes.

“Assalamualaikum,” Sheikh Nahyan told the media while leaving Jokowi’s residence, Wednesday (10/23).

To the media team, Jokowi said Sheikh Nahyan's visit was to see the progress of the construction of the Emirates-Indonesia Cardiology Hospital in Solo. Apart from this, Sheikh Nahyan also visited Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque.

“Earlier, Minister of State for Tolerance Affairs Sheikh Al Nahyan visited the (Zayed) mosque, visited the heart hospital which he will donate to the city of Solo, if there is any problem or not, checked. Then he went here, to the house, that's all, nothing else, Jokowi said.

Jokowi said the development of the Emirates-Indonesia Cardiology Hospital was very good. The construction of the hospital was supported by the United Arab Emirates.

“Okay. In addition to APBD, there is APBN, thanks to external assistance, I believe it will accelerate the development of Solo City,” he said.

Asked about the special conversation he had during his meeting with Sheikh Nahyan, Jokowi replied that he was just having a normal conversation.

“Yes, it’s normal, I’ve known him for a long time, he’s an elder in the royal family,” he said.

The 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, and Kaesang Pangarep perform Friday prayers at Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, Friday (10/25/2024)The 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo with Kaesang Pangarep praying on Friday at the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, Friday (10/25/2024) Photo: Tara Wahyu NV/detikJateng

Friday prayers at the Zayed Mosque

On Friday, October 25, 2024, Jokowi prayed Friday prayers at the Zayed Mosque in Solo. He came accompanied by his youngest son Kaesang Pangarep.

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque operations director Munajat said Jokowi's arrival at the Zayed Mosque was quite sudden. His party only received information about Jokowi's arrival around 09:00 WIB.

“There is no preparation, we are always to wait for He's close, he'll come here any moment. “We were suddenly notified at 09:00 WIB,” said Munajat when meeting at the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, Friday (25/10).

Munajat revealed that Jokowi asked about the activities at the Zayed Mosque. Apart from that, Jokowi also asked about the arrival of United Arab Emirates (UAE) ministers at the Zayed Mosque.

“Earlier, we asked about the activities of the mosque, and then we told them about the upcoming events. Next Friday, one of the ulama from the UAE will come here, also on Friday. Tomorrow, November 16 and 17 (November ), there will be 3 additional ulama there. There will be 3 confessions who will come here too. “I said I invited him, it’s his mosque,” ​​he explained.

“Earlier he asked the Minister of Tolerance (visit) how many hours, look everywhere, which way to take, I said the visit here will take 30 minutes, then plant trees and be amazed by the trees and fruit,” he explained.





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