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Putin to consider Erdoan's proposals on Black Sea shipping

Putin to consider Erdoan's proposals on Black Sea shipping



Russian President Vladimir Putin said his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, had offered to resume contacts on shipping in the Black Sea, but had not yet had time to study the documents.

Turkey and U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres have long sought to allow merchant ships to navigate more freely in the Black Sea, which has partly become a naval war zone since Ukraine's invasion of Ukraine. Russia in February 2022.

Putin told Russian state television that Erdoğan had “once again renewed these proposals to continue contacts related to maritime transport in the Black Sea, (and) on other issues.”

Putin met Erdoğan and Guterres at the BRICS summit in the Russian city of Kazan.

“I didn’t even have time to read the documents…” Putin said. “Well, let's see. We never refused that.”

Turkey and the United Nations helped mediate the Black Sea Grains Initiative, a deal reached in July 2022 that allowed the safe export of nearly 33 million tons of Ukrainian grain across the sea Black despite the war.

Russia withdrew from the deal after a year, complaining that its own food and fertilizer exports faced serious obstacles.

Erdoğan told reporters on his way back from Kazan that Putin was “engaged in a search to achieve a permanent ceasefire.”

Turkey's role in peace talks

Erdoğan said he had discussed the grain corridor with Russia and that Putin had also discussed a possible prisoner exchange.

“Our wish is to start peace negotiations between the two countries as quickly as possible and achieve a beneficial result,” Erdoğan said.

Months of steady advances by Moscow's forces, which control just under a fifth of Ukraine's territory, have underscored Russia's immense superiority in men and equipment, as Ukraine pleads for more weapons with the Western allies who support it.

Asked if he thought the war could become a frozen conflict, like Korea or Cyprus, Putin replied: “Any outcome should be in Russia's favor, I say.” without detour, without any hesitation, and should start from current realities. takes shape on the battlefield. »

Russia controls Crimea, which it conquered from Ukraine in 2014, around 80% of Donbass – a coal and steel zone including the Donetsk and Luhansk regions – and more than 70% of the Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions. .

“We are not going to make any concessions here, there will be no trade,” Putin said. “We are ready to make these compromises, we are reasonable. But I don't want to go into details right now, because there are no substantive negotiations.”

He said Ukraine had already twice rejected Russian ceasefire initiatives.




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