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India-Germany mutual legal assistance treaty will strengthen our joint efforts to fight terrorism: PM Modi

India-Germany mutual legal assistance treaty will strengthen our joint efforts to fight terrorism: PM Modi


NEW DELHI: Adding a new dimension to their ties, India and Germany on Friday signed a Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT) in criminal matters which, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, will strengthen their resolve to fight against terrorism and separatist elements.
The two countries also signed more than a dozen other pacts, including those on the exchange and mutual protection of classified information and their intentions in the field of employment and labor, after talks between the Prime Minister Modi and visiting German Chancellor Olaf Scholz during the 7th India Conference. Intergovernmental consultations in Germany. The two parties, we learn, are also seriously considering signing a military logistics support agreement soon.
Growing cooperation in the defense and security sectors is a symbol of our deep mutual trust. The agreement on the exchange of classified information constitutes a new step in this direction. The mutual legal assistance treaty concluded today will strengthen our joint efforts in the fight against terrorism and separatist elements, the Prime Minister said at a press conference also attended by the German Chancellor.
The growing cooperation between the two countries in areas such as defense, technology, energy and green and sustainable development has become a symbol of mutual trust, the Prime Minister said at a press conference attended by the German Chancellor also addressed. India and Germany have been negotiating the MLAT since 2007, but have so far failed to reach an agreement.
The world is going through a period of tension, conflict and uncertainty. There are also serious concerns about the rule of law and freedom of navigation in the Indo-Pacific region. In such circumstances, the strategic partnership between India and Germany has emerged as a strong anchor, Modi said.
The Prime Minister also said that the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and West Asia are matters of concern for both India and Germany. India has always believed that war cannot solve problems. India, he said, is ready to make all possible contribution towards the restoration of peace.
He said India and Germany were unanimous on ensuring freedom of navigation and rule of law in the Indo-Pacific region in accordance with international laws. We also agree that the global forums created in the 20th century are not capable of meeting the challenges of the 21st century, he said, adding that reforms were needed in other multilateral institutions, including the UN Security Council. 'UN.
In his speech, the German Chancellor emphasized that the two countries entered into a strategic partnership 25 years ago. Our cooperation has become more and more trusting, solid and substantive, he said.
Germany, he said, has become India's most important trading partner in the European Union, and he is determined to strengthen and further develop this bond and cooperation. As Chancellor, I strongly support an ambitious free trade agreement between India and the European Union. I think both parties would benefit from this and our ambition should be to make progress in this regard. Germany's aim, he said, is to attract a more skilled Indian workforce in medicine and other sectors like IT.
The Chancellor also spoke about the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and appreciated India's willingness to contribute to resolving the situation. He said Ukraine's sovereignty and integrity must be preserved at all costs. Regarding the conflict in West Asia, he called for an immediate ceasefire, the release of hostages and a two-state solution.




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