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Imran's sisters released on bail in protest case punishable by death penalty – Pakistan

Imran's sisters released on bail in protest case punishable by death penalty – Pakistan


GUJAR KHAN/ISLAMABAD: Aleema Khan and Uzma Khan, sisters of PTI founder Imran Khan, were released from Jhelum district jail on Friday after a judge granted them bail.

Noreen Naizi, Mr Khan's third sister, family members and party activists gathered outside the prison and welcomed the two women, who were arrested for allegedly leading a protest in Islamabad at the beginning of the month.

The crowd showered them with rose petals and chanted slogans of support for Mr Khan and his sisters.

In a brief conversation with journalists, Ms Aleema claimed that she and her sister were isolated from other inmates and did not have access to facilities such as television and telephone calls.

The release of Mr Khan's sisters came two days after his wife, Bushra Bibi, was released on bail in the Toshakhana case.

Ms Aleema said her brother was also detained in the same case and also demanded his release.

Ms Niazi rejected speculation that the consecutive bail releases were the result of a deal with the powers that be.

Sources said Mr Khan's sisters were heading to Islamabad after their release, but later went to Lahore under police security.

Jhelum district police officer Nasir Mahmood Bajwa told Dawn that foolproof security arrangements were made outside the jail upon their release.

Bail granted

Earlier on Friday, ATC judge Abual Hasnat Mohammad Zulqarnain accepted requests for bail from Mr Khan's sisters after his arrest.

Prosecutor Raja Naveed opposed the bail applications, arguing in court that Mr Khan's sisters played a central role in organizing and leading the protest. He asked the court to reject the bail applications.

The defense lawyer argued that Mr Khan's sisters had been imprisoned for political reasons and, being women, were entitled to bail.

After the proceedings, Justice Zulqarnain approved the bail conditional on sureties of Rs20,000.

The judge also issued release orders, concluding that the evidence provided by the prosecution did not sufficiently justify continued detention.

Motion for contempt

The Islamabad High Court (IHC) also ruled on the contempt petition against Adiala Prison officials for refusing a meeting between Mr Khan and his lawyers.

Earlier this month, the Punjab government, while citing security concerns, announced that no visitors would be allowed into the Adiala jail where Mr Khan was imprisoned. After the ban expired on October 18, the restriction was extended for two more days and then for an indefinite period.

IHC judge Sardar Ejaz Ishaq Khan resumed the hearing on Friday, a day after prison authorities assured that no further ban on visits would be imposed.

Mr. Khan's lawyer filed a lawsuit against the prison administration for allegedly violating an earlier court order allowing the PTI founders' legal team to meet with him in prison.

During Friday's proceedings, the prison director and other officials appeared before the judge and outlined their positions.

Mr Khan's lawyer, advocate Faisal Chaudhary, argued that his fundamental rights were being compromised in detention.

He claimed that Mr Khan's meetings with his lawyers were necessary to prepare his defense and that the action, allegedly by the prison service, had obstructed this essential legal assistance.

Islamabad Advocate General Ayaz Shaukat assured the court that the temporary ban on visits had been lifted and would not be imposed again.

Published in Dawn, October 26, 2024




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