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Donkeys-led event in North Shields: review

Donkeys-led event in North Shields: review


I arrived at the beautiful Exchange building in North Shields to join the bustling and excited queue for the Led by Donkeys: Adventures in Art, Activism and Responsibility conference. It was part of their national tour to promote their new book of the same name. The event was sold out and several people asked me beforehand if I had any spare tickets. Unfortunately I didn't, but there is an online broadcast of their event in Edinburgh the night before.

The show began with a screening of their most famous works, including when they remotely played a banner reading I Destroyed the Economy behind Liz Truss on her pro-Trump speaking tour this summer. It also showed where it all started with their original billboards with lots of references to Brexit, Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson. Two members of Led by Donkeys, James Sadri and Oliver Knowles, then took to the stage to talk about their experiences with the theater host.

Run by donkeys

They discussed how their group formed in late 2018 in response to the chaos surrounding the way Brexit was being handled. When Nigel Farage came to the North East in 2019 to make an insulting wink at the Jarrow march, they came to the North East to protest against him. Local groups North East for Europe and Tees4Europe joined us. They also placed many of their powerful billboards here, as they have across the country through successful crowdfunding efforts.

Led by donkeys with the North East for Europe
Run by donkeys with North East for Europe and Tees4Europe 2019 Photo by Yvonne Wancke

Led by Donkeys, it later expanded to other pressing political topics, including the Conservative government's mishandling of the Covid-19 pandemic (such as the PPE scandal, Partygate), the Bibby Stockholm program and the Rwanda to name a few.

I learned new and interesting facts during the show and while reading their book. For example, I didn't realize that they had been arrested by the police for some of their activities, for example when they painted the road in the colors of the Ukrainian flag next to the Russian embassy in London. They discussed how they would continue to hold the new government accountable. For example, their new video shows how Labor needs to remember its roots and restore the right to peaceful protest. Human rights group Liberty won its case against the way the anti-protest law was introduced by former Home Secretary Suella Braverman, but the Labor government is now backing the Tory legislation with an appeal from this decision. Watch it here: –

The spectators asked many questions which they took the time to answer carefully. In fact, a common theme was people continuing the conversation about protest and free speech laws in this country. Discussions also continued at the bar well after the show ended.

It was a very engaging evening and although we didn't have enough time to go through all of their many stunts, they are all included in the book which I subsequently purchased and which they did well for me sure signed! Highly recommended!






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