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Trump, in interview with Joe Rogan, says he would replace income tax with tariffs

Trump, in interview with Joe Rogan, says he would replace income tax with tariffs


Former President Donald Trump stood by his idea of ​​eliminating the income tax and replacing it with tariffs in an interview Friday with Joe Rogan, the host of one of the most listened to podcasts in the world.

“Do you want to just float the idea of ​​removing the income tax and replacing it with tariffs?” » Rogan asked the Republican presidential candidate during their three-hour interview. “Are we serious about this?”

“Yeah, sure, but why not?” Trump responded.

“We will not allow the enemy to come in and take our jobs, our factories, our workers and our families unless they pay a heavy price. And the big price is tariffs.” , added the former president.

A central plank of Trump's economic pitch to voters is a sweeping tax overhaul that includes proposals to erode the income tax system and replace it with harsh tariff policies.

He proposed eliminating income taxes on tips, overtime and Social Security benefits, while renewing his 2017 tax cuts, which expire in 2025. He also said he would consider income tax exemptions for firefighters, police officers and military personnel. and veterans.

Ending taxes on tips, overtime and Social Security alone would cost about $2 trillion over 10 years, according to the nonpartisan think tank Tax Foundation. This cost only increases with the addition of Trump's other tax relief proposals.

Trump sees his aggressive view on tariff policy as a way to offset these costs.

He proposed a 20% tariff on all imports from all countries, with a particularly high rate for Chinese imports.

But tax experts and economic analysts don't think Trump's tariffs would be an adequate counterweight to balance the trillions lost due to the income tax cut.

“It would not be possible to raise tariff rates high enough to cover anywhere near this amount.” [of income tax revenue]”, because imports would decline as tariff rates increase,” Garrett Watson, senior policy analyst at the Tax Foundation, told CNBC earlier this month.

Watson added that Trump's tariffs would likely generate about $3.8 trillion in revenue over 10 years, compared to the $33 trillion that personal income taxes would raise over the same period.

Overall, Trump's overall tax plan, including tariffs, would increase the deficit by $3 trillion over a decade.

“The math doesn’t work,” Watson said.

Additionally, Trump's tariffs would be paid by U.S. importers, raising production costs and potentially leading to higher consumer prices, just as inflation has begun to ease.

In effect, these tariffs could replace the income tax with a kind of new sales tax, thereby shifting more of the tax burden to lower-income people.

Vice President Kamala Harris has adopted economists' analysis of Trump's tariffs as her own campaign argument.

“It would be a sales tax on the American people,” the Democratic candidate said in an interview with MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle in September.

“Imposing 20% ​​tariffs on all imports as he has described would essentially amount to a 20% sales tax on basic necessities for the average American worker, the average American family.”




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