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ALERT guarantees that 4 Jokowi dams in NTT will be optimized for the population! Drinking water is key to overcoming stunting

ALERT guarantees that 4 Jokowi dams in NTT will be optimized for the population! Drinking water is key to overcoming stunting


KANGAN, VICTORYNEWS– The candidates for governor and vice governor of NTT for the period 2024-2029, Simon Petrus Kamlasi and Adrianus Garu (SIAGA package), guarantee that the four dams inaugurated by former President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in the province of NTT will be empowered and optimized for the needs of all NTT residents.

“There should be no party that arouses pessimistic feelings among the people of NTT. Especially among the farmers. We (SIAGA) guarantee that we will optimize the dam that Mr. Jokowi built for the needs of the people of NTT” , underlined Simon Petrus Kamlasi interviewed by Victorynews .id, yesterday.

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Simon further stated that the optimization of the function of the dam is directly linked to the SIAGA program aimed at developing a village economy based on agro-industry and agro-industry so that it has a significant economic impact on the residents of NTT.

The existence of the seven dams built by President Joko Widodo cannot therefore be wasted. What needs to be done is collaboration between the central, provincial and regency governments so that water can be delivered to the fields and rice fields for community use.

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“For new dams, SIAGA ensures that the water reaches the needs of the community. There is an acceleration of emergency irrigation construction but it can be used for a long time,” he said .

Simon Petrus Kamlasi further said that there are three main problems in NTT province, namely extreme poverty, poor nutrition, stunting and malnutrition.

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Especially to combat malnutrition and stunting, SPK continued, water is the main key. At the same time, the problem of extreme poverty can be solved by using the natural resources of the NTT, including new renewable energies.

“20 percent of NTT residents currently have access to clean drinking water. Meanwhile, 80 percent do not have access to clean drinking water. This water is very important for the needs of the food industry “, said the SPK.

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For the SPK, water is the main key to solving the problem of malnutrition and stunting in NTT province. If he leads NTT later, the SIAGA program will focus on providing clean water to the population of NTT.

According to Simon, the dams, reservoirs and reservoirs currently owned by NTT will be put to good use. SIAGA will coordinate with central and district/city governments to construct irrigation systems to reach resident-owned agricultural areas.




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