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Carrie Johnson's Daughter Romy Has So Wild Hair in Adorable Vacation Photos


Carrie Johnson and her family are spending the half term break in Morocco and the mother of three has shared lots of insight into their trip abroad.

However, the star of the photos was the media consultant's two-year-old daughter Romy and her messy hair. Carrie shared several photos of the young girl exploring her surroundings with her long brown hair tinged with blonde highlights.

In the photo, Romy was looking around a room filled with pink furniture and she looked adorable in her blue outfit. While another photo saw her staring at a deck chair alongside her older brother Wilfred, four, who sported his own wild mop, similar to his dad's.

Romy's adventures with her older brother continued, with the duo later photographed in a vintage toy car, with Romy resting her arm on the back of the car.

A young child in a room with pink furniture©Instagram
Romy showed off her wild hair

However, the sweetest photo was saved for last and it featured Carrie and her daughter kiss while the mom of three holds her little girl. Carrie looked stunning in a stunning multi-colored dress, while Romy changed into a pink dress.

Carrie has spent several holidays with her brood and in August they enjoyed a beachside excursion. In the photos, her three children could be seen looking out at a balcony with a backdrop of a dreamy sunset.

Two young children were sitting in a small red car©Instagram
Romy and her brother have a close bond

Four-year-old Wilfred looked like his father with his blond hair, and the toddler wore khaki shorts and a navy t-shirt. Three-year-old Romy looked adorable in a pink heart-print dress and a pair of blue sandals, while one-year-old Frank stood next to his siblings, wearing a blue onesie.

Another photo saw Carrie looking tanned as she posed in a pink gingham bikini and matching mini skirt as she looked loved up with husband Boris, 60.

Carrie Johnson and her daughter kissing©Instagram
Carrie and her daughter shared a sweet moment

The final photo showed the star's older children holding hands while admiring the incredible scenery.

Standing in front of a calm rooftop pool, Wilfred wore a white shirt with a colorful fish pattern and red shorts, while his sister Romy wore a printed navy blue dress with her hair styled in a half-bun.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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