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20 British parliamentarians demand the release of Imran Khan

20 British parliamentarians demand the release of Imran Khan


Image released by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) showing former Prime Minister Imran Khan during his appearance at the Supreme Court on May 16, 2024. PTI

LONDON: Around 20 British parliamentarians from different parties have called on the country's foreign minister, David Lammy, to advocate for the release of Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan and to engage with the Pakistani government.

Liverpool Riverside MP Kim Johnson wrote the letter at the request of Khan's adviser on international affairs, Zulfi Bukharis. It was signed by members of the Commons and Lords, from all parties.

The signatories are MP Kim Johnson, MP Paula Barker, MP Apsana Begum, MP Liam Byrne, MP Rosie Duffield, MP Gill Furniss, MP Paulette Hamilton, MP Peter Lamb, MP Andy McDonald, MP Abtisam Mohamed, MP Bell Ribeiro-Addy, Zarah. Sultana MP, Steve Witherden MP, Nadia Whittome MP, Baroness Joan Bakewell, Baroness Christine Blower, Lord Peter Hain, Lord John Hendy and Lord Todoanfel.

He said: “We write to you with grave concern regarding the continued detention of former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan. As you know, Mr. Khan was imprisoned in 2023 in a move that, according to the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention: had no legal basis. and appears to have been intended to prevent him from running for political office. Thus, from the start, these prosecutions were not based on the law and would have been used for political purposes.

The letter to Lammy said: Accordingly, the continued detention of Mr Khan represents a serious threat to democracy in the country. Indeed, some speculate that his fate would likely be decided by a military tribunal, which would represent a worrying and completely illegal escalation. Following a recent review of Mr. Khan's case, Amnesty International found that there was a tendency to weaponize the justice system to keep Imran Khan detained and away from political activity. »

They also observed that, in at least three trials, Khan was not given adequate time and facilities to prepare his defense. It has apparently become clear that the number of prosecutions against the imprisoned PTI founder is now “consistent with a pattern of misusing the justice system in Pakistan to intimidate, harass and target political opposition leaders while undermining to the consecrated independence of the judiciary”.

He added that the recently passed 26th constitutional amendment would strip the Supreme Court of powers such as banning political parties or handling cases involving the federal and provincial governments. This would constitute an attack on the principle of separation of powers codified in the country's Constitution.

He adds: Meanwhile, in recent weeks, further anti-democratic measures have been taken against Mr Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party, which has seen the arrest of prominent parliamentarians and activists. Despite having obtained prior permission to hold a rally in Islamabad, Pakistani authorities appear to have unfairly invoked a new public order law to arrest PTI supporters.

“Parliamentarians in this House will agree that the political precedent this sets is dangerous. As such, Mr Khan must be immediately released from pre-trial detention. As a country, we have a duty to defend human rights, democracy and international law around the world. We therefore invite you to take steps with the Pakistani government to secure the safe release of Mr. Khan.




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