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13 former Trump officials support Kelly's stance against Trump | Donald Trump News

13 former Trump officials support Kelly's stance against Trump | Donald Trump News


Former Trump aides are not surprised by Kelly's claims that Trump complimented Hitler and disrespected the U.S. Constitution.

A group of Donald Trump-era officials have rallied behind former chief of staff John Kelly after warning that the former president was behaving like a fascist and aspirational dictatorship.

In a letter first reported by Politico on Friday, 13 officials who worked under former US President Trump said they commended Kelly for speaking out against the former president.

There are times in history when it becomes necessary to put country before party, wrote the officials, all lifelong Republicans. This is one of those moments.

They added: “Everyone should heed General Kelly’s warning.

Officials include former Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Elizabeth Neumann, former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci, former White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham and former Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Matthews.

The dictator's approach

Kelly, a retired general who was Trump's longest-serving chief of staff, made waves when he detailed his concerns about a possible second Trump term.

Kelly told the New York Times that as president, Trump preferred the dictator approach, despised the US Constitution and threatened to use the US military as a weapon against its domestic enemies.

The former chief of staff also said that Trump complimented Hitler on several occasions.

He's certainly the only president who has virtually rejected what America is and what makes America, America, Kelly said, adding that he thinks Trump lacks empathy.

The Trump campaign has denied Kelly's account, calling the four-star general a total degenerate and a thug.

But the 13 officials who support Kelly say they are not surprised by her allegations about Trump.

The revelations put forward by General Kelly are disturbing and shocking, they wrote. But because we know Trump and have worked for and alongside him, we were unfortunately not surprised by what General Kelly had to say.

Threat to democracy?

Since leaving office, Donald Trump has faced an unprecedented backlash from senior members of his party, many of whom warn that he poses a unique threat to democracy.

Former Republican Vice President Dick Cheney, who endorsed Trump's Democratic opponent Kamala Harris for president, said there has never been a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump.

Harris capitalized on Republican criticism, saying their warnings provide a window into who Donald Trump really is.

Donald Trump is increasingly unhinged and unstable, Harris told reporters outside the White House on Wednesday. If he wins a second term, officials like Kelly won't be there to rein him in, she added.

More than 80 American Nobel laureates in physics, chemistry, medicine and economics also signed an open letter supporting Harris for president, published Thursday by The New York Times.

Nobel laureates have warned that Trump will undermine any improvement in our standard of living because of his previous proposals to fund science.

Trump and Harris are currently neck and neck in the polls ahead of the November 5 election, which analysts describe as a showdown.

With 11 days left, CNN's latest poll finds 47% of likely voters support Harris and 47% support Trump.

Only 2 percent of all likely voters say they haven't yet chosen a candidate, and 9 percent say they might change their minds before voting, CNN reported.




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