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10 years of Jokowi, Indonesia is the overall champion of the Paralympics three times in a row and has won gold medals in two Paralympics

10 years of Jokowi, Indonesia is the overall champion of the Paralympics three times in a row and has won gold medals in two Paralympics – During the 10-year rule of President Joko Widodo or Jokowi (October 20, 2014 – October 20, 2024), one of the presidential regulations that emphasized the equality of all Indonesian citizens was that regarding athletes with disabilities.

City of Kemenpora.go.idIn 2021, President Jokowi issued Presidential Regulation Number 86 of 2021 regarding the Grand Design of National Sports (DBON).

In this DBON, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia gives equal place to the training of Olympic or non-disabled athletes with Paralympic athletes or disabled athletes. Both benefit from the same facilities.

The implementation includes the implementation of the XVI National Paralympic Week (Peparnas) in Papua 2021, as well as the XVII National Paralympic Week in Solo 2024.

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The Indonesian contingent finally won its first gold medal at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games thanks to the pair Hikmat Ramdani-Leani Ratri Oktila. [NPC Indonesia]
The Indonesian contingent won its first gold medal at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games thanks to the pair Hikmat Ramdani-Leani Ratri Oktila. [NPC Indonesia]

“Current government policy: There is no longer a problem of discrimination against sports for disabled people. “So all people with disabilities can participate and play sports,” explained Deputy Deputy (Asdep) for Grassroots Sports, Deputy for Increasing Sports Performance of the Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sports, Budi Ariyanto Muslim , during a press conference at the Media Center. Peparnas XVII Solo 2024 at the Royal Surakarta Heritage Hotel, Thursday (10/10/2024).

One of the ways President Joko Widodo pays attention to people with disabilities, including athletes with disabilities, is that the government engages and focuses on the development of sports for people with disabilities. Including equality in sport.

Budi Ariyanto Muslim, as Deputy Deputy Minister, said that the government's attention to disabled athletes is manifested, among other things, in the form of bonuses for good achievements.

Athletes with disabilities who excel receive bonuses equal in value to athletes without disabilities. Like the gold medalists of the Paralympic Games who receive a bonus of IDR 6 billion, the equivalent of the bonus for Olympic athletes.

Apart from this, all exceptional athletes, including disabled athletes, have the possibility of being appointed civil servants of the State (ASN).

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For disabled athletes, the government is very committed to supporting the development of disabled sports under the auspices of the National Paralympic Committee (NPC) of Indonesia (NPCI). For sports likely to participate in the Paralympic Games, national training centers (Pelatnas) are organized continuously throughout the year.

Hundreds of national records and one Southeast Asian record were successfully broken during the XVII National Paralympic Solo Week 2024 (PEPARNAS). [Dok PB PEPARNAS]
Hundreds of national records and one Southeast Asian record were successfully broken during the XVII National Paralympic Solo Week 2024 (PEPARNAS). [Dok PB PEPARNAS]

“The results were seen at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games, where most of the medals came from the branches that we performed constantly,” explained Budi Ariyanto Muslim.

For a moment, returning to the period of the new normal of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games will take place a year later, in 2021.

Then-Minister of Youth and Sports Zainudin Amali said Indonesia would send 23 athletes and compete in seven sports at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics.

The success achieved was nine medals, two gold medals each in badminton, three silver medals in badminton and one silver medal in weightlifting. Then four bronze medals, consisting of two medals in badminton, one medal in athletics and one medal in table tennis.

“With this achievement, Indonesia ranks 43rd in the world. “Compared to the participation of the Indonesian contingent in the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Paralympics, Indonesia was only able to send nine athletes who participated in four sports and won a bronze medal in weightlifting and placed Indonesia in the 76th place in the world,” said Zainudin Amali who was there to accompany him. 23 Tokyo 2020 Paralympic athletes, NPC Indonesia President Senny Marbun, Chef de Mission (CoM) of the Indonesian contingent, Andi Herman as well as coaches and officials.

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) welcomed the Indonesian contingent for the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games at the Presidential Palace in Bogor, West Java, Friday (9/17/2021). [Tangkapan layar YouTube Sekretariat Presiden]
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) welcomed the Indonesian contingent for the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games at the Presidential Palace in Bogor, West Java, Friday (9/17/2021). [Tangkapan layar YouTube Sekretariat Presiden]

“Previously, athletes with disabilities felt marginalized. “Now their self-confidence appears because they are equal to able-bodied athletes,” he continued.

During a meeting with Indonesian athletes participating in the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games, President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo expressed his appreciation and praise for their achievements.

He also thanked the Indonesian athletes participating in the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games. President of the Republic of Indonesia, President Jokowi said that the achievements of our country's disabled athletes constitute extraordinary pride for the Indonesian nation on the international stage.

At the Paris 2024 Paralympics, Indonesia is ranked 50th with one gold medal in badminton or mixed doubles, eight silvers and five bronzes.

“I am very happy and proud because in this event, the Red and White contingent managed to enter a new history, as previously declared by the Minister of Youth and Sports, by winning 14 medals: 1 medal of gold, 8 silver medals and 5 bronze medals,” explained President Joko Widodo on the palace grounds. Merdeka Jakarta, Wednesday (9/11/2024) afternoon.

“The government has prepared a bonus of IDR 6 billion for gold medalists, IDR 2 billion 750 million for silver medalists and IDR 1 billion 650 million for bronze medalists,” he said. declared.

“With what the president likes us now, it's proof that there is no difference between disabled and non-disabled, and for disabled athletes, I think there is no reason not to not excel even if they have limitations,” said Leani Ratri. Oktila, the gold medalist who competed in mixed doubles badminton with Hikmat Ramdani.

The President said that the success of these athletes was the result of a long process. Starting from early talent identification, sustainable and long-term training, as well as the hard work of coaches, support teams and various other parties.

“I hope this achievement can increase the enthusiasm and optimism of Paralympic athletes and motivate Paralympic athletes to be more diligent in training,” said President Jokowi, expressing his appreciation and motivation to the athletes.

Also present to accompany the President during the welcoming event for athletes with disabilities were Coordinating Minister of Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy, Minister of Youth and Sports Dito Ariotedjo, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani, Minister of State Secretariat Pratikno and General President of NPC Indonesia Senny Marbun.

Papuan tennis players Daryoko (left) and Erwin Subrata (right) pose after receiving the national gold medal in men's quad doubles for wheelchair tennis Peparnas Papua in Sian Soor, Jayapura, Papua, Saturday ( 13/11/2021). . ANTARA FOTO/Indrayadi TH/rwa. (Antara Foto/Indrayadi TH)
Papuan tennis players Daryoko (left) and Erwin Subrata (right) pose after receiving the national gold medal in men's quad doubles for wheelchair tennis Peparnas Papua in Sian Soor, Jayapura, Papua, Saturday ( 13/11/2021). . ANTARA FOTO/Indrayadi TH/rwa [Antara Foto/Indrayadi TH]

And before retiring from October 20, 2024, on October 6, President Joko Widodo officially inaugurated Peparnas 2024 at Manahan Stadium, Surakarta City, Central Java Province.

On this occasion, President Jokowi expressed his pride in the extraordinary achievements of Indonesian athletes with disabilities. The President appreciated the achievements of Indonesian athletes on the international stage.

Including the success of becoming overall champion of the ASEAN Para Games three times in a row in 2017, 2022 and 2023.

“We should all be proud of Indonesian disabled athletes, their combat power is extraordinary, their achievements are also very encouraging,” President Joko Widodo said in appreciation.

The President recalled that Peparnas is not only a sporting competition event, but also a stage of equality for all athletes with disabilities to show their best abilities.

This is why the President invites the entire community and parties concerned to participate in the success of this sporting competition.

“Let us make this National Paralympic Week a success, which is not only a place to nurture potential athletes and set new records, but also a stage of equality for all athletes with disabilities to show their best abilities,” he said. declared President Jokowi inviting all citizens. Indonesia considers equality between disabled and non-disabled athletes in the speech at the inauguration of Peparnas XVII Solo 2024.




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