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PM Modi to welcome Spanish PM at Lakshmi Vilas Palace in Vadodara with sumptuous feast

PM Modi to welcome Spanish PM at Lakshmi Vilas Palace in Vadodara with sumptuous feast


Vadodara: Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez will visit Vadodara in Gujarat on October 28, where Prime Minister Narendra Modi will personally welcome him for a day filled with special events and royal hospitality. The highlight of the visit will be the inauguration of the Tata-Airbus unit, followed by a formal meeting and a grand lunch at the famous Lakshmi Vilas Palace.

Tata-Airbus plant inaugurated in Vadodara

The two leaders will officially inaugurate the Airbus factory whose foundation stone was laid by Prime Minister Modi in October 2022. After the inauguration, Modi and Sanchez will visit the Lakshmi Vilas Palace where an official bilateral meeting will take place, followed by a royal lunch.

Royal reception and lunch at Lakshmi Vilas Palace

The Vadodara administration has made elaborate arrangements to welcome the dignitaries and the historic Lakshmi Vilas Palace (LVP) is expected to provide them with an unforgettable experience. The leaders will enter the palace through Gate No. 1 and the meeting will take place in the grand Durbar Hall, a historic venue known for its chandeliers, exquisite sculptures and fascinating paintings.

Sánchez will also have the opportunity to visit the Maharaja Fatesingh Museum, located inside the palace, to gain insight into Indian art and history.

A feast of Gujarati, Punjabi and Spanish delicacies

Lunch will take place in the palace's Eugenie Room, with beautifully carved tables and chairs, exotic rugs and large windows letting in natural light. Soft classical music will accompany the meal, creating a serene and elegant atmosphere.

Modi and Sanchez will enjoy an elaborate spread served on bronze plates, showcasing a fusion of Indian and Spanish flavors. Here is an overview of the menu:

Entries: Punjabi salad, bhajiya, khandvi and kachori; main course: Tindola-cashew nut curry, chole, Gujarati-style eggplant-pea-tomato curry and boudoir with yogurt sauce; Indian breads: Tandoori roti, rumali roti, rotli and puri apart from this, Khichdi-kadhi, Gujarati dal and buttermilk will be served and finally the meal will be completed with desserts: Basundi, rabri, rasgulla, gulab jamun, puranpoli and moong dal halwa.

The banquet reflects the region's rich culinary traditions, blending Gujarati flavors with dishes from across India and Spain.

The legacy of Indo-Spanish relations

India and Spain established diplomatic relations in 1956 and have grown stronger over the years. The first resident Indian ambassador to Spain was appointed in 1965 and the first visit by an Indian Prime Minister to Spain took place in 2009.

This upcoming event symbolizes the friendship between the two nations and aims to strengthen trade, defense and cultural ties. The hospitality of PM Modis, the cultural setting of Lakshmi Vilas Palace and the fusion of traditional cuisine make this visit a memorable one, reflecting the spirit of Indian warmth and diplomacy.

Learn more: Gujarat prepares grand welcome for PM Modi and Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez




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