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Madison Square Garden versus the White House Ellipse: where Trump and Harris make their final arguments

Madison Square Garden versus the White House Ellipse: where Trump and Harris make their final arguments



Donald Trump and Kamala Harris have fine-tuned their pleadings and are now both turning to famous locations to try to get those messages across with just 10 days until Election Day.

The former president returns to his hometown on Sunday for a rally at one of New York's most iconic landmarks, Madison Square Garden. Two days later, the vice president hosts an event at the Ellipse, the park just outside the South Lawn of the White House, where Trump's fiery speech nearly four years ago sparked the attack on the US Capitol.

Both events could be key moments in a race on the razor's edge, with CNN's latest national poll showing each candidate has the support of 47% of likely voters.

Both campaigns are urging their supporters to vote early and trying to reach tiny groups of undecided voters, or those who know which candidate they prefer but are unsure about voting.

Harris and Trump have made clear the issues they are pushing during election campaigns in recent days. Harris is building on her support for abortion rights, a political winner for Democrats since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022. She also contrasts her character with that of Trump, a strategy aimed at reaching independents and moderate Republicans.

Either you have the choice between a Donald Trump, who will sit in the Oval Office, stewing, planning revenge, retaliation, listing his enemies, she told reporters Thursday, or what I will do , that is, responding to people, like people did last night, with a list of things to do.

Trump hammers the vice president on border security, using dehumanizing language aimed at undocumented immigrants as he focuses on an issue that has been central to his political identity during his three presidential campaigns. It's part of his broader argument that Democrats have undermined the stability and economic successes of his tenure in the Oval Office over four years.

By holding a rally at Madison Square Garden, Trump is banking on his own showmanship and celebrity, hoping he can fill the city's deep blue arena and hoping the show will reach television and phone screens in the seven battlefield states.

I will save every city in America that has been invaded and conquered, he said Thursday in Las Vegas.

Previewing the final sprint to Election Day, a senior Harris campaign official said he expected to see more of the vice president invoking the former president's description of political opponents as enemies within, while also describing the race as a decision between Trump's enemies list and his own. -make the list.

His running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, also deployed this framing for the first time on Thursday, while campaigning in North Carolina.

She has a list of things to do. He has a list of enemies, Walz said.

Harris' star-studded rally Thursday night in Georgia, her first campaign appearance with former President Barack Obama, and one featuring several other celebrities, kicked off what the top campaign official has described as the focal point of the campaign's closing argument. That argument illustrates what a Harris administration would look like relative to the threat Trump poses, according to Harris, the official said.

The vice president continued that celebrity-fueled campaign Friday night in Texas, a rare visit to a state that is not a presidential battleground.

Yet Harris has turned away from the seven states expected to decide the election (the swing Great Lakes states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, and the Sun Belt battlegrounds of Arizona, Georgia , Nevada and North Carolina) for two main reasons. First: Beyoncé and Willie Nelson appeared with her.

And second: Texas, the second most populous state in the country, has one of the strictest abortion laws. The procedure is banned six weeks before many women know they are pregnant, except only in cases aimed at saving the mother's life.

Harris told the Houston crowd that the Lone Star State was ground zero in the fight for reproductive freedom.

The Harris campaign paired her Friday trip with an ad highlighting Trump taking credit for his role in ending the constitutional right to abortion.

The contrast between Harris and Trump on abortion rights is one that the vice president's campaign is highlighting, as it seeks to capitalize on what polls show is a historic gender gap.

Our message right now is to keep our foot on the gas when it comes to early voting, the senior campaign official told CNN, adding: All of these events over time are about mobilization.

Harris is expected to continue addressing these themes alongside her most high-profile supporters on Saturday, when she campaigns in Michigan alongside former first lady Michelle Obama.

A key moment for the former president comes Sunday when he returns to New York, his home for more than seven decades, for his rally at Madison Square Garden.

It’s an iconic place in an iconic city. But New York is also a deep blue state in which virtually no Republicans believe Trump can win.

Still, his campaign sees upside for Sunday's event. The Madison Square Garden rally will be one of the highest-profile moments of the race, with media coverage spanning all seven swing states. It is also associated with a pre-event fundraiser. And it could help the Republican Party in the battle for control of the U.S. House of Representatives, several of which in the New York area are currently held by vulnerable Republicans.

Trump also said Wednesday that he believes he can win New York, in part because he believes migrants are overrunning the city.

We think there's a chance to win New York for the first time in a very long time, many, many decades. And we think there's a real opportunity with what's happening, with the migrants taking over the city, taking over the whole state, frankly, he said on Fox News Radio. Ronald Reagan in 1984 was the last Republican presidential candidate to carry the Empire. State.

Trump's comments demonstrated that just as Harris focuses on abortion rights, he attacks his Democratic rival on border security.

He also traveled to Austin, Texas, on Friday to highlight an issue that has been a cornerstone of his political campaigns since the day he launched his first campaign for president in 2015. Trump has pledged to expand his hard line on immigration, notably by leading mass campaigns. deportations if he wins another term.

Kamala is here in Texas to rub shoulders with woke celebrities. Isn't that exciting? But she won't meet with any victims of migrant crime during her stay, Trump said in Austin.

While the economy remains voters' most pressing priority, polls show why Harris and Trump are leaning on these competing issues for their closing arguments. The latest New York Times and Siena College survey shows the former president continues to hold an advantage over who is most trusted to handle immigration, 54% to 43%, while Harris leads double digits when it comes to abortion.

Much like Harris, Trump's campaign is entirely focused on finding supporters, particularly those who vote irregularly.

Trump's running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, visited the GOP office in Michigan's Oakland County on Thursday, the party's home base in a sprawling suburban county northwest of Detroit where Harris is expected to win, but where Trump could significantly increase his statewide chances by keeping the margins close.

What we've really focused on is the people who are going to vote for us. They're upset about the direction the country is going, but only if they show up to the polls, Vance said. Each time you reserve a vote, it allows us to devote more resources to banking the next vote, the next vote, and the next vote.

He added: We bought all the TV time we were going to buy. We bought all the radio time we were going to buy. But the most important thing here is precisely this participation operation.

CNN's Priscilla Alvarez, Kit Maher, Aaron Pellish, Terence Burlij, Kate Sullivan, Kevin Liptak and Samantha Waldenberg contributed to this report.




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