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Mary Trump makes a new request to Donald Trump

Mary Trump makes a new request to Donald Trump


Mary Trump, Donald Trump's ex-niece, took to social media Saturday to make a new request of the former president after appearing on Joe Rogan's podcast.

Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, sat down for an episode of The Joe Rogan Experience on Friday as part of his efforts to reach voters, namely young men, through non-traditional media channels, such as streaming platforms and podcasts.

During Friday's podcast, Rogan asked Trump about whales, apparently in reference to the former president's previous remarks in which he said wind turbines off the East Coast were “causing whales to die in numbers never seen before.” previously”.

“Well, they say the wind drives them crazy. You know it's a vibration because you have this, these things are 50 story buildings, some of them… The wind rushes, the things blow, its vibration and it makes noise You know what it is? I want to become a whale psychiatrist It drives the whales crazy, but for some reason they wash up on the shore and yet the. Environmentalists aren't talking about it. Trump said on Rogan's podcast.

Trump first made remarks about it at a rally in North Carolina in 2023, when some conservationists at the time raised concerns about whale deaths near the development of an offshore wind farm.

However, there is no evidence that offshore wind turbines kill whales, according to the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

In response to Trump's remarks on Rogan's podcast, Mary Trump, an outspoken critic of her uncle, took to X, formerly Twitter, to ask him not to become a “whale psychiatrist.”

“Donald, on behalf of whales everywhere, please DO NOT become a whale psychiatrist,” she wrote Saturday afternoon.

Newsweek reached out to Trump's campaign via email for comment.

Mary Trump is seen on September 12 in New York. Donald Trump's ex-niece took to social media on Saturday to make a new request to the former president after her appearance on Joe…Mary Trump is seen on September 12 in New York. Donald Trump's ex-niece took to social media on Saturday to make a new request to the former president following her appearance on Joe Rogan's podcast. More from Dominik Bindl/Getty Images

According to NOAA, since 2016 they have been monitoring “unusual mortality” of humpback whales along the eastern seaboards and, over the past six years, have documented 178 dead humpback whales from Florida to Maine.

In response, NOAA performed necropsies on about half of the whales and found that of those, 40% of the deaths were caused by human interaction, such as being caught in fishing gear or struck by ships. .

“There is no information to suggest that any equipment used to support offshore wind development could directly result in the death of a whale,” Benjamin Laws, deputy chief of permitting and conservation, said at the time. to the NOAA Office of Fisheries for protected resources. . “There is no known link between offshore wind activities and whale strandings.”

Meanwhile, Trump had already stated in 2019, without any evidence, that the noise from wind turbines could cause cancer.

“If you have a windmill near your house, congratulations, your home just lost 75 percent in value. And they say the noise causes cancer,” then-President Trump said during his speech at the National Republican Congressional Committee's annual spring dinner.

According to the National Library of Medicine, there is no proven link to serious health problems related to wind turbines.




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