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Donald Trump's MSG Rally Performers: Lee Greenwood, Tony Hinchcliffe

Donald Trump's MSG Rally Performers: Lee Greenwood, Tony Hinchcliffe


Lee Greenwood and Tony Hinchcliffe are among the artists who will participate in Donald Trump's rally at Madison Square Garden on Sunday.

The singer and comedian will respectively be joined by political icons, celebrities, musical artists and the former president's friends and family, including Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, Senator JD Vance, President Mike Johnson, Rudy Giuliani and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Christopher Macchio and Mary Millben.

“I think it's going to be a great time, and it's really going to be a celebration of it all, you know, because it's going to end a few days later. The countryside; I won’t be campaigning anymore,” Trump said of the rally during an interview with Cats & Cosby on Thursday, according to ABC News. “Then I will campaign to make America great again.”

He teased the event earlier this year during his hush money criminal trial, in which he was found guilty on all 34 counts.

At the time, he explained that the MSG rally would “honor the police, firefighters and everyone. Honoring a lot of people, including teachers by the way,” according to NBC News.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams and New York police chiefs announced they were preparing for protests outside the stadium during the event.

“Tomorrow, New Yorkers are going to see a large police presence around Madison Square Garden for presidential candidate Trump's rally,” Adams told reporters, as reported by NBC News. There will be many protections that you will see, and many that you will not see.

Acting NYPD Commissioner Thomas Donlon added: “Regarding any protests at the event, as always, the NYPD will protect everyone's right to peacefully protest, but we will never tolerate any violence, harm or material or any criminal activity whatsoever. »

See the full list of artists and speakers below.

Senator JD Vance, vice-presidential candidatePresident Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House of RepresentativesRep. Elise Stefanik, United States Representative (NY-21)Rep. Byron Donalds, United States Representative, (FL-19)Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, former Democrat and four-term congresswoman (HI-02)Mayor Rudy Giuliani, former Associate Attorney General of the United States and Mayor of New YorkRobert F. Kennedy Jr., former presidential candidateLara Trump, Committee Co-Chair National RepublicanEric Trump, son of President Donald J. TrumpDonald Trump Jr., son of President Donald J. TrumpElon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and TeslaDan Scavino, senior advisor to President Donald J. TrumpStephen Miller, senior advisor to President Donald J. TrumpDana White , CEO of the Ultimate Fighting ChampionshipTucker Carlson, host of the Tucker Carlson ShowBrooke Rollins, president and CEO of the America First Policy InstituteSteve Witkoff, founder of the Witkoff GroupHoward Lutnick, president and CEO of Cantor Fitzgerald and co-chairman of the Trump 2024 transition team Grant Cardone, CEO, 10X Sergio Gor, Right for America PAC Michael Harris Jr., founder of Death Row Records Tiffany Justice, founder of Moms for Liberty Lee Greenwood, singer Christopher Macchio, opera singer Mary Millben, singer Sid Rosenberg, radio personality from New YorkKill Tony, actorScott Lobaido, live painterDavid Rem, childhood friend of President Trump




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