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Trump leaves attendees cold to record Joe Rogan podcast

Trump leaves attendees cold to record Joe Rogan podcast


TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. (AP) Many of Donald Trump's supporters left a rally in Michigan before he arrived after the former president kept them waiting for three hours to record a popular podcast interview.

Those who remained at the outdoor gathering on the airport tarmac huddled in the cold Friday night waiting for the former president to land in the battleground state.

Trump apologized to the crowd for the delay, which he blamed on an interview with Joe Rogan, the nation's most-listened to podcaster and an influential voice among the young male voters Trump is aggressively courting.

The interview, recorded in Austin, Texas, aired Friday evening and lasted three hours, with Trump telling many familiar stories from his rallies and other interviews, but also engaging with Rogan on topics including existence of UFOs.

Democrat Kamala Harris was also in Texas on Friday for an appearance with superstar Beyonc in Houston at an event highlighting the abortion ban in conservative states, which was enacted after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Three of the judges who voted to overturn Roe were appointed by Trump.

Minutes before Trump's rally in Michigan began at 7:30 p.m. ET, his spokesperson posted on the social media platform X that Trump had just left Texas, more than two hours away. plane. Trump recorded a video from his plane urging his supporters to stay, noting that it was Friday night and promising, “We're going to have a great time tonight.”

Trump finally took the stage at the Traverse City airport, where temperatures dropped to around 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius). The crowd erupted in cheers as video screens showed Trump's plane arriving, then him getting off his plane and walking down the steps.

I'm really sorry, he said. We were so stuck and I thought you wouldn't mind too much because we were trying to win.

The participants who had not left bundled up, some covered by blankets, were waiting for him to land. The crowd appeared disengaged as North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and former Republican gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon attempted to kill time on stage. Hats were thrown to participants.

Among those who stayed at the Trump rally were John and Cheryl Sowash, who live in Traverse City, and arrived at the airport at 4 p.m.

Things happen, John said. He's talked to a lot more people talking to Joe Rogan than here.

Indeed, Cheryl said she was worried about Trump, who missed addressing a larger crowd.

He will be disappointed, because there were twice as many people here. He missed it, she said.

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Rogan interview highlights Trump's emphasis on masculinity

His interview with Rogan created a new opportunity for the Republican nominee to underscore the hypermasculine tone that has defined much of his 2024 White House bid. Trump has made masculinity a central theme of his campaign, appearing on podcasts targeting young male voters and using surrogates who sometimes use foul language.

Throughout the lengthy conversation, Trump told familiar stories, but occasionally brought in new colors and nuances.

Rogan asked Trump if he was fully committed to bringing Robert F. Kennedy Jr. into his administration.

Oh, I absolutely am, Trump replied, but added that he and Kennedy disagreed on environmental policies. He said he would tell Kennedy to focus on his health and do what you want.

Kennedy was instrumental in spreading vaccine skepticism, rejecting the overwhelming consensus among scientists that the benefits of inoculation outweigh the rare risks of side effects.

Trump again appeared to entertain the idea of ​​eliminating the federal income tax, telling Rogan: “Yeah, sure, why not?” when the podcast host asked him if he was serious about it.

He also reiterated his grievances about the 2020 elections at length, but said: “If I win, it will be my last election.

Trump said he never believed theories about extraterrestrial life visiting Earth. He said he was constantly asked what the U.S. government knew about people coming from space. He said that as president, he was told many things, but he dodged Rogan's pleas to discuss extraterrestrial life in detail.

And he criticized federal subsidies aimed at dramatically boosting U.S. semiconductor manufacturing, one of President Joe Biden's signature achievements. Chipmakers have credited the legislation with generating billions of dollars in new factories, including in the battleground state of Arizona.

It also destroyed Taiwan, a self-governing island democracy that had long been aligned with the United States.

You know, Taiwan, they stole our chip business, Trump told Rogan. ALL RIGHT. They want us to protect them and they want protection. They don't pay us any money for protection, you know? The mafia makes you pay money, right?

Trump called Chinese President Xi Jinping, whose government in Beijing considers Taiwan a breakaway province, a brilliant guy, whether you like it or not.

The podcaster is known for his hour-long interviews on The Joe Rogan Experience, which ranked #1 in the United States, according to Spotify charts. He calls women girls and once laughed when a comedian friend described repeatedly forcing young female comics to have sex.

Rogan and Trump have a complicated relationship. Rogan previously said he refused to host Trump on his podcast before because he didn't want to help him.

Earlier this year, Trump criticized Rogan after the podcaster said then-candidate Kennedy was the only person running for president who made sense to him. Kennedy has since suspended his candidacy, supported Trump and joined him on the campaign trail.

Trump mocks Harris rally with Beyoncé, sends message on immigration

In Michigan and at an earlier news conference in Texas, Trump repeatedly mocked his opponents' rally in Houston. Kamala is at a dance party with Beyoncé, he told the Michigan crowd.

He used his trip to Texas, his second stop in a border state in two days, to intensify his already dark and apocalyptic rhetoric against illegal immigration.

It's like a trash can for the rest of the world to get rid of people they don't want, Trump told supporters Friday in Austin. Trump continues to promote the unfounded idea that foreign governments are actively sending criminals to the United States.

Harris said this remark is just another example of how he truly demeans our country.

The President of the United States should be someone who elevates the discourse, speaks the best of us, and invests in the best of ourselves, not someone like Donald Trump, who constantly belittles and belittles the American people . Harris told reporters in Houston before her event.

As the temperature in Michigan dropped Friday night and the crowds grew large, Trump suggested his campaign advisers had urged him not to repeat his past statements that he was the protector of women.

The former president mimicked the advice he said he received: Sir, please don't say you're going to protect women. But he said he plans to keep saying it. I mean, that's our job.

It was also something of a response to the Harris event, which focused on protecting reproductive rights and included a series of women speaking about their health being threatened by strict abortion restrictions.

Trump's rally was also interrupted twice by members of the public needing medical attention. After the second incident, Trump asked organizers to play the song Ave Maria to fill the time.

This is reminiscent of a recent Trump rally in Pennsylvania, during which medical attention required in the audience led Trump to sway to this song and others for nearly 40 minutes.

This time, however, he continued speaking after the Hail Mary ended.


Weissert reported from Washington and Cooper from Phoenix. Associated Press writers Michelle L. Price in New York, Adriana Gomez Licon in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and Melissa Perez Winder in Traverse City, Michigan, contributed to this report.




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