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Learn Prabowo from Jokowi

Learn Prabowo from Jokowi


SYAHDAN, in an interview with Rosiana Silalahi, in a program on tv compassGoenawan Muhammad, humanist and founder Temposhort of words to describe the figure of Joko Widodo at the gates of power. Her eyes filled with tears.

While the interview was taking place, the Constitutional Court was hearing a case that allowed Jokowi's eldest son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, to become a vice-presidential candidate. In the interview, Goenawan Muhammad admitted that he had lost confidence in Jokowi.

At the start of his reign, Jokowi was considered a representative figure of the common people. A citizen who went from Surakarta to Jakarta and was chosen as number one. At that time, the media gave Jokowi a lot of space in the camera spotlight.

One of Jokowi's supporters is Goenawan Muhammad and millions of Indonesians. However, recently he felt cheated because Jokowi was behaving more like a tyrant. But these tears meant nothing to Jokowi. The storyline went well until finally Gibran was made vice president.

However, it's difficult not to be charmed by Jokowi's gadget. Additionally, at that time, Jokowi faced Prabowo Subianto who was closely associated with the New Order. A personality hostile to Suharto of course chose to support Jokowi, promoted by the PDIP.

If at that time the nation's numbers had not been deceived by their appearance, perhaps the history of this nation would have been written differently. And we should learn from these mistakes by not believing in the gimmick that Prabowo is currently playing.

Prabowo tries to imitate Jokowi's image. But like Jokowi, Prabowo's words do not correspond to reality. He once said during the campaign that his future cabinet would be a zaken cabinet; a cabinet full of professionals. However, the people appointed after their election came in very large numbers from political parties and gave off a strong scent of political dealings.

If in the past Jokowi presented himself as a small person, Prabowo now presents himself as a military leader. Even the ministers, who should have been trained in civil culture, were gathered at the Military Academy. It's as if discipline only existed in the army.

In fact, Prabowo should have included people with professional and anti-corruption experience in his cabinet. This is the only way to realize popular programs, such as free distribution of nutritious food or natural resources, without becoming a corruption risk. Do not let problematic people continue their adventures in the new government.

We must not deceive people, like when Jokowi was in power. Academics, activists and other elements of society must speak out and criticize Prabowo's leadership, starting from the day of his inauguration. Power tends to corrupt. Since the beginning of Prabowo's leadership period, criticism has been expressed in an attempt to drive the eighth president to Husnul Khatimah. We have much to learn from the broken heart of Goenawan Muhammad.***




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