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Donald Trump reveals scar from when bullet nicked his ear during Joe Rogan podcast: It made me tougher | Tendency

Donald Trump reveals scar from when bullet nicked his ear during Joe Rogan podcast: It made me tougher | Tendency


In a highly anticipated episode of The Joe Rogan Experience (JRE) streaming Friday night on Spotify and YouTube, former US President Donald Trump shared candid thoughts on his life, including a revelation about an assassination attempt he confronted during a campaign rally.

Donald Trump discussed his assassination attempt during a Joe Rogan podcast. (YouTube/PuissantJRE)

(Also read: Indian man receives message from Donald Trump in strange automated tweet. His priceless response goes viral)

A scar from the past

During the nearly three-hour interview, the 78-year-old Republican presidential candidate revealed the scar he received from a bullet that grazed him during the frightening incident. As he pointed to the scar behind his right ear, Trump described how being shot made him a tougher man.

It zapped right there, he explained, pointing to the scar. Rogan, visibly intrigued, remarked, “It healed pretty well.” The encounter took place at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, where a 20-year-old man named Thomas Matthew Crooks opened fire from a rooftop, wounding Trump.

Thoughts on Resilience

It's not like some wrestlers, some UFC fighters, it was kind of like a high-level shot, Trump reflected, remembering that moment. Things took off a bit. But it makes me a tougher guy, he added.

Watch the podcast excerpt where Trump talks about his assassination attempt: A broad discussion

Rogan, who has amassed a huge following with more than 17 million subscribers on YouTube and 14.5 million followers on Spotify, guided Trump through a range of cultural and political topics. This broad dialogue extended beyond the assassination attempt, delving into current political climates and personal anecdotes. The length of the interview caused a notable delay in Trump's planned speech in Traverse City, Michigan, ahead of the upcoming Nov. 5 election.

(Also read: This is why people make fun of women: Elon Musk shares a video of a Donald Trump fan bashing Kamala Harris)

Online Buzz

As the episode aired live, social media platforms erupted with excitement. Fans had long been clamoring for Rogan to host Trump, despite the host's previous claims that he was not a supporter of the former president. However, the dynamic seemed to change in 2022, particularly after Rogan mentioned Trump during a discussion on the Lex Fridman podcast.

The video shared on YouTube featuring Trump has now garnered more than nine million views in just nine hours, demonstrating the immense interest in the conversation. With comments pouring in from viewers eager to share their thoughts, it's evident that this episode of The Joe Rogan Experience sparked heated discussions across the internet.




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