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Fethullah Glen, Turkish spiritual leader who fled into exile and became an enemy of Erdoan obituary

Fethullah Glen, Turkish spiritual leader who fled into exile and became an enemy of Erdoan obituary


The language of the two protagonists illustrates the blatant nature of the rupture. The president called his rival Hizmet, or service, movement a cancer, while Glen said he would like to spit in Erdoan's face.

It was a clash between two types of Islam, the first espousing what the president called a reformed Islamism that had become increasingly nationalist, the second influenced by Sufism and advocating a secular and tolerant state.

Muhammed Fethullah Glen was born on April 27, 1941 in Pasinler, in the eastern province of Erzurum. His father was an imam, while his mother taught the Koran in their village. Glen received a secular education before embarking on Islamic studies, influenced by the work of Said Nurs, a Kurdish theologian. In 1959, he was appointed deputy imam of a mosque in Edirne, western Turkey. His willingness to address taboo subjects was illustrated in 1965 by his condemnation of the Great Genocide committed against the Armenians in 1915, an accusation that Turkish governments have always denied.

After the 1971 military coup, Glen was arrested and imprisoned for his teachings. The 1980s and 1990s saw its influence grow steadily after the first lighthouse, or hostel, opened in 1976, offering scholarships to poor students.

In 1999, he emigrated to the United States, apparently for medical reasons. The following year, he was tried in absentia for plotting to overthrow the government, a conviction overturned in 2008 under AKP rule. That year, Glen received his green card, allowing him to reside permanently in the United States, after a court ruled against U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services for denying his application.

He lived at the Chestnut Retreat Center, a Hizmet institution near the village of Saylorsburg, occupying two small rooms from where he contacted his followers in Türkiye and elsewhere around the world.

When he died, Fethullah Glen was being treated for kidney and heart failure. His wish to be buried in Izmir being impossible to achieve, he was buried within the grounds of his retirement center. He was not married.

Fethullah Glen, born April 27, 1941, died October 20, 2024




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