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Michelle Obama says too many voters are ignoring Trump's behaviorExBulletin

Michelle Obama says too many voters are ignoring Trump's behaviorExBulletin


Michelle Obama speaks at a campaign rally in Kalamazoo, Michigan, October 26, 2024. Brendan Smialowski/AFP .

switch captionBrendan Smialowski/AFP

KALAMAZOO, Mich. Michelle Obama stood before a crowd at an event center in Kalamazoo on the first day of early voting in Michigan and admitted she was frustrated and a little angry about some of the things she heard about the reasons why people are withholding their support for Vice President Harris.

Directly addressing the deep gender divide that polls show is a hallmark of this presidential campaign, Obama denounced the lie that we don't know who Kamala is or what she stands for, saying too many Voters are unaware of former President Donald Trump's character and his record on a wide range of issues.

Trump was also campaigning in Michigan this weekend, making a stop in Traverse City Friday evening and a second stop in suburban Detroit on Saturday.

Polls show the race is extremely close in swing states like Michigan, and Democrats, including former President Barack Obama, have worked urgently to build enthusiasm for Harris among black men, young voters and other parts of the Democratic base.

I hope you'll forgive me if I'm a little frustrated that some of us choose to ignore Donald Trump's blatant incompetence while asking Kamala to dazzle us at every turn, the former first lady said during of his first appearance on the campaign trail with Harris.

Vice President Kamala Harris and former first lady Michelle Obama during a rally October 26, 2024 in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Paul Sancya/AP .

switch captionPaul Sancya/AP

I hope you'll forgive me if I'm a little angry because we are indifferent to his erratic behavior, his obvious mental decline, his past as a convicted felon, a known slum lord, a convicted predator of abuse sexual, all that. while we pick apart Kamala's responses in interviews he doesn't even have the guts to do, y'all, she said.

Obama described Harris as an adult with a clear set of policies and said she worried too many people were willing to ignore Trump's childish and petty antics, saying, “Well, Trump is just Trump, rather than question his horrible behavior.” Some people find it funny.

That's exactly how he got elected the first time people gave him a pass and rolled the dice betting he couldn't be that bad, she said.

Harris and Obama focused on women's health care

Harris focused much of her remarks Saturday on abortion restrictions. She had stopped at a local doctor's office in Kalamazoo before the rally and spoke to providers and medical students about her fears that Trump would expand abortion restrictions nationwide if he won.

Doctors were also present at his Friday night rally in Houston, arguing that they were unable to provide adequate care to women because of new restrictions on abortion.

Remember how we got here, Harris said at Saturday's rally. Donald Trump has selected three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention of overturning the protections of Roe v. Wade. They did what he wanted, she said.

Obama clearly cited a long list of everyday reproductive health concerns for women, like cramps, nausea, hot flashes, bumps and Pap tests, and said a second Trump presidency could act as a deterrent about doctors willing to specialize in women's health care due to restrictions on abortion.

She addressed men specifically in her speech, emphasizing that new restrictions on abortion and other aspects of women's health care would also impact them and their sons.

I ask you all, from the depths of my being, to please take our lives seriously, Obama said. Don't entrust our lives to politicians, mostly men, who have no idea or care about what we, as women, experience.




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