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Michelle Obama Takes the Trail and Warns of the Consequences of a Trump Presidency on Women's Health

Michelle Obama Takes the Trail and Warns of the Consequences of a Trump Presidency on Women's Health


During her first stop on the 2024 campaign trail, former first lady Michelle Obama delivered an urgent message to men, saying the election could have life-and-death consequences for the women they love.

“I ask all of you, from the depths of my being, to take our lives seriously,” she said at a rally for Vice President Kamala Harris in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

The former first lady praised Harris' credentials and urged voter turnout and engagement in her speech. But she spent a lot of emotional time arguing that there would be dire consequences for the future of women's health if former President Donald Trump, who spent Saturday campaigning in Michigan and in Pennsylvania, was re-elected.

“To the men who love us, let me try to paint a picture of what it would feel like if America, the richest nation in the world, continued to take away basic care from its women and how that will affect every woman of your life,” Obama said.

Obama argued that a woman affected by these policies could be “in legal jeopardy if she needs a pill from out of state or abroad, or if she has to cross state borders.” State because the local clinic is closed.”

“Your daughter might be the one who's too terrified to call the doctor if she bleeds during an unexpected pregnancy. Your niece might be the one who miscarries in her bathtub after the hospital turns her away,” she said. she continued.

“And it won't just affect women; it will affect you and your sons,” she said, suggesting that both men and women would suffer the “devastating consequences of teenage pregnancy.”

Michelle Obama speaks at a campaign rally in Kalamazoo, Mich., Saturday, Oct. 26, 2024, for Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris. Brendan Smialowski / AFP-Getty Images

Obama went beyond abortion, suggesting that increasingly limited access to the types of health care for women could also have serious consequences for miscarriage care, cancer screening and access to health professionals.

Your wife or mother might be most at risk of dying from undiagnosed cervical cancer because they don't have access to regular gynecological care, she said.

And then there's the tragic but very real possibility that in the worst case scenario, you might be the one holding flowers at the funeral, she later added. You might be the one left to raise your children alone.

Her speech comes as polls indicate a wide gender gap in Americans' support for Harris and Trump. An NBC News poll from October found that women supported Harris by a 14-point margin, while men supported Trump by a 16-point margin. Polls conducted by several major media outlets have also shown that Harris and Trump are engaged in an extremely close race.

Obama also addressed voters who were considering not voting or voting for Trump or a third-party candidate in protest, arguing that “we, as women, will become collateral damage to your anger.”

“Are you, as men, prepared to look into the eyes of the women and children you love and tell them that you supported this attack on our security?” she asked.

Harris, who spoke after Obama, echoed similar sentiments, saying men saw the women they loved “endangered because their rights were taken away.” Before speaking in Michigan on Saturday, Harris held an event in Texas on Friday, using the red-state backdrop to rally her supporters against what she called a “health care crisis” inflicted by Trump.

“American men don't want this. Women have died because of these bans,” Harris said Saturday in Michigan. “How could anyone say they wanted this? And you heard me say, I believe Donald Trump is not a serious man, but the consequences if he becomes president again are brutally serious, brutally serious .”

When reached for comment, Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt said Trump “has long supported states' rights to make decisions on abortion.” She emphasized that he would not sign a federal ban on abortion and said Trump also “supports universal access to contraception and IVF.”

Trump's position on reproductive rights has evolved over the years. Although he once supported abortion rights, he now takes credit for his role in overturning Roe v. Wade after appointing three justices to the Supreme Court who voted with the majority. Trump says he supports the right of states to decide the legality of abortion procedures within their own borders, and he has said he would not sign a federal ban.

As Obama highlighted potential dangers to women, Trump, at his Saturday rallies, invoked dark images of crime, criticized Beyoncé's campaign with Harris and touted her foreign policy experience while claiming that Harris wanted war.

“She would love conscription. All she wants is war. The reason I don't get along with her is because she wanted to invade every damn country she looked at ” Trump said in Novi, Michigan, without evidence.

Trump also rallied in State College, Pennsylvania, and his speeches touched on his typical themes. The former president claimed that “we are very close to World War III,” describing migrants as coming from “jails and prisons, insane asylums and mental institutions,” and insulting Harris by calling him ” manifestly incompetent person.

Meanwhile, in Michigan, Obama claimed that some people are “holding Kamala to a higher standard than her opponent.”

“We expect her to be intelligent and eloquent, to have clear policies, to never show too much anger, to prove again and again that she belongs,” he said. -she declared. “But for Trump, we expect nothing at all. No understanding of politics, no ability to craft a coherent argument, no honesty, no decency, no morals.”

And she insinuated that Harris could suffer electorally if Americans aren't “ready for this moment.”

“It is clear to me that the question is not whether Kamala is ready for this moment because, in every way, she has demonstrated that she is ready,” she said. “The real question is: As a country, are we ready for this moment?”

More than 7,000 people attended the rally, according to a Harris campaign official. Most of the people in the room remained standing throughout Obama's 40-minute speech, frequently applauding and emphasizing his comments.




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