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Trkiye and Senegal sign 5 bilateral agreements aimed at strengthening cooperation

Trkiye and Senegal sign 5 bilateral agreements aimed at strengthening cooperation


Trkiye and Senegal advanced their bilateral relations on Thursday as leaders of the two countries signed five agreements aimed at strengthening cooperation in several sectors.

The agreements, signed in the presence of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the Senegalese President Bassirou Diomaye Fayeencompass strategic collaboration in the areas of urban development, energy, agriculture and higher education.

Trkiye and Senegal sign 5 bilateral agreements aimed at strengthening cooperation
In the presence of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Senegalese President Bassirou Diomaye Faye, 5 agreements were signed between the two countries. (Photo AA)

“Put more pressure on the Israeli government”

Senegal's position on the Palestinian issue, based on a two-state solution, is extremely valuable, President Erdogan said during a joint press conference with his Senegalese counterpart in Ankara.

“Ankara welcomes the firm stance of our African brothers, who understand what oppression, war and massacre mean, against Israel's genocidal policy,” the president said.

Erdogan urged all countries with a “sense of conscience” to exert more pressure on the Israeli government.

“The imperialists have learned that in Africa, a peaceful future cannot be built on blood and massacres,” President Erdogan said, adding that “the same truth will be evident in Gaza, in Lebanon.”

Creation of a high-level strategic cooperation council

At the heart of these agreements is the creation of the High-Level Strategic Cooperation Council between Trkiye and Senegal, consolidating a framework for continued diplomatic and economic collaboration.

This protocol was signed directly by President Erdogan and President Faye, marking an important milestone in Trkiye-Senegal relations.

Senegalese President Faye said: “West Africa is a region dominated by security challenges. We told President Erdogan that it was necessary to strengthen cooperation in the field of defense.

Trkiye and Senegal sign 5 bilateral agreements aimed at strengthening cooperation
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and President Bassirou Diomaye Faye of Senegal attend an inter-delegation meeting in Ankara, Turkey, October 31, 2024. (Turkish Presidency/Murat Kula-AA)

Urban development and priority energy sectors

In an agreement oriented towards urban planning, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Hakan Fidan and the Senegalese Minister of Urban Planning, Local Governance and Regional Planning, Balla Moussa Fofana, signed a memorandum of understanding to support mutual objectives in urban development.

Additionally, a separate memorandum regarding energy and hydrocarbons was signed by Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Trkiyes. Alparslan Bayraktar and the Senegalese Minister of African Integration and Foreign Affairs, Yassine Fall.

The agreement highlighted the growing interest in collaboration in the energy sector between the two countries.

Trkiye and Senegal sign 5 bilateral agreements aimed at strengthening cooperation
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan welcomes Senegalese President Bassirou Diomaye Faye, visiting Turkey, with an official ceremony. (TCCB / Murat Kula – AA)

Signing of agreements on agricultural mechanization and higher education

Trkiyes Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Ibrahim Yumakliand the Senegalese Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Livestock, Mabouba Diagne, also signed an agreement focused on agricultural mechanization.

This pact aims to increase agricultural productivity and support the mechanization of agriculture in Senegal.

In the field of higher education, a cooperation agreement was signed by the Chairman of the Higher Education Council of Trkiyes. Erol Ozvar and the Senegalese Minister of African Integration and Foreign Affairs, Yassine Fall.

This agreement will strengthen collaboration between academic institutions of the two countries and support innovation and scientific research.




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