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coexistence while minimizing risks through partnerships

coexistence while minimizing risks through partnerships


Executive Summary

Relations between the European Union and China have deteriorated markedly since the EU introduced a three-pronged strategy in 2019 based on partnership, competition and systemic rivalry. These relations have been undermined by China's support for Russian aggression in Ukraine and its increasingly anti-Western foreign policy aimed at changing the rules-based international system. At the same time, economic relations are evolving due to China's structural slowdown and growing autonomy, coupled with the EU's growing critical dependence on China, particularly on digitalization and decarbonization. Europe must accept that relations with China will not return to their pre-pandemic state.

While there is no need to change the overall strategy, the EU should seek coexistence with China while preserving its values ​​and interests. Cooperation remains necessary to solve global problems, notably climate change, for which China plays an important role in finding solutions, but on which the EU cannot accept Chinese cooperation at any cost.

In terms of coexistence, the EU must continue to reduce risks or exposure to China, particularly for its energy and digital transitions. Risk reduction has begun, but much remains to be done to understand how it can continue without creating conflicts.

The EU should adopt a three-pronged approach: increasing coherence and coordination with all European stakeholders, refining the EU's economic security strategy while accepting compromises, and seeking partnerships as the best offensive tool. The European Commission 2024-2029 should promote the debate on China and the coordination of strategic issues within a broader group.

EU countries, under the coordination of the Commission, must become more involved in developing a comprehensive approach, including carrying out national risk assessments and developing and implementing risk reduction measures. risks.

In terms of economic security, the full implementation of current defensive instruments is necessary, as well as new protections, such as better coordination of export controls and a new mechanism for controlling foreign investments. The compromises linked to the search for greater security will have to be explained in order to mitigate them.

When it comes to partnerships, the EU must look beyond the US, working within the G7 and with other like-minded countries, such as Australia and South Korea, who have valuable experience in terms of risk reduction. Mutually beneficial and strategic cooperation agreements should be negotiated with relevant emerging and developing economies.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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