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Why no Christian should vote for Donald Trump

Why no Christian should vote for Donald Trump


When I shared on social media that I intended to make an argument to Christians against voting for former President Donald Trump, one person commented, “It's crazy that we even have to to write. I completely agree. However, it is very necessary for me to do so.

In the Gospels, Jesus shows himself to be loving, humble, altruistic, forgiving and compassionate towards the smallest in society. Trump, on the other hand, is the antithesis of a Christ-like person. Yet since his first presidential campaign, Trump has received overwhelming support from white Christians, regardless of religious tradition.

I argue that there are four reasons why Christians should not vote for Trump:

He's a racist. I don't have the space to elucidate Trump's many examples of racism and white supremacy over the decades. I need only point out one recent example: Trump propagated the racist lie that Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio, were eating their neighbors' animals. It’s a lie he repeated even after it was debunked. Trump has always sought to vilify others. In this case, the others are dark-skinned immigrants from the African diaspora.

Genesis 1:26 says: Then God said, Let us make human beings in our image, that they may be like us. What is inherent in this statement is that all people, regardless of race or ethnicity, are created in the image of God and should be treated fairly. It is clear that Trump does not believe or practice this truth.

He's a misogynist. Jesus affirmed that women were valuable and equal partners in the stories of creation and redemption. In the context of a highly patriarchal society where women were treated as property, Jesus spoke directly to them in public, as he did to men.

Trump's history indicates that he believes women exist solely to please men. He infamously boasted of grabbing women by the genitals. He was accused by twenty-seven women of sexual misconduct and found liable by a jury in a civil case last year for sexually abusing E. John Carroll.

He's a narcissist. Ultimately, narcissists only care about their own interests. There is ample evidence that Trump is a narcissist. In fact, many of my fellow mental health clinicians broke with the Goldwater Rule, the convention against diagnosing someone in the public eye whom they have not personally evaluated, and claimed that Trump suffered from a malignant narcissism.

I firmly believe that a person with malignant narcissism is not fit to be a role model for my children, let alone the President of the United States. Furthermore, narcissistic behavior is contrary to what Scripture considers to be praiseworthy. So there is no justifiable reason for a Christian to vote for a narcissist like Trump.

He's a fascist. Fascism is an authoritarian, ultranationalist ideology and political movement, often associated with the far right and characterized by a dictatorial leader who uses military forces to help suppress political and civil opposition. Christians who honestly examine Trump's rhetoric will hear echoes of fascist leaders such as Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.

For example, Trump recently doubled down on calling his political opponents domestic enemies and said he would deploy military forces against them. Trump's former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, retired Gen. Mark Milley, called Trump dangerous and a fascist at heart.

In summary, Trump embodies racism, misogyny, narcissism, and fascism that are antithetical to the Way of Jesus and the principles found in Scripture. Despite this, some Christians have falsely claimed that Trump was chosen by God to lead our nation. In my opinion, such a statement is not only false, but also heretical.

American Christians face a day of decision on November 5. Either we will choose Kamala Harris, committed to democracy and the rule of law, or we will choose Donald Trump, who has an unquenchable thirst for power.

Let those who have ears to hear make the only wise choice.

This column was produced for Progressive Perspectives, a project of The Progressive magazine, and distributed by Tribune News Service.




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