Trump chooses Elon Musk to lead government efficiency department | Donald Trump
Elon Musk and former Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy will lead the new Department of Government Effectiveness, Donald Trump announced Tuesday.
Despite its name, the ministry will not be a government agency. Trump said in a statement that Musk and Ramaswamy would work outside of government to provide advice and guidance to the White House and would partner with the Office of Management and Budget to drive large-scale structural reform and create a never-before-seen entrepreneurial approach to government. He added that the move would shock government systems.
Trump said this duo would pave the way for my administration to dismantle government bureaucracy, cut excessive regulations, cut wasteful spending and restructure federal agencies.
Posting on X, the social media platform he owns, Musk pledged to document all of the department's actions online for maximum transparency.
Whenever the public thinks we are removing something important or not removing something unnecessary, let us know! he said, while also promising to keep a ranking of your tax dollars' most incredibly stupid expenses.
Ramaswamy also responded to the news of his appointment on
It is unclear how the organization will operate. It could fall under the Federal Advisory Committee Act, which dictates how external groups that advise the government must operate and be accountable to the public.
Federal employees are generally required to disclose their assets and ownership interests to avoid potential conflicts of interest and to divest significant ownership interests related to their work. Because Musk and Ramaswamy would not be formal federal workers, they would not face these ethical requirements or limitations.
Musk had lobbied for a Department of Government Efficiency and has since tirelessly promoted it, highlighting the agency's acronym: Doge, a reference to a meme of an expressive Shiba Inu and the name of the crypto- Dogecoin currency, which Musk promotes. Trump said the agency would conduct a comprehensive financial and performance audit of the entire federal government and make recommendations for drastic reforms.
Dogecoin's value has more than doubled since Election Day, following a sharp rise in cryptocurrency markets due to expectations of easing regulations under the Trump administration. Tesla shares are up about 30% since the election.
Trump said their work would be completed by July 4, 2026, adding that a smaller, more efficient government would be a gift to the country on the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
Ramaswamy is a wealthy biotechnology entrepreneur whose first bid was for the Republican Party nomination last year. After withdrawing from the race, he threw his support behind Trump. He told ABC earlier this week that he was having high-impact discussions about possible roles in Trump's Cabinet.
He also has no government experience, but he has pushed for cost-cutting in the business sector. After taking a stake in the struggling online media company Buzzfeed, he in May urged the company to downsize and hire conservative commentators like Tucker Carlson.
Musk, speaking to reporters last month, declared his goal to cut government spending by $2 trillion. In practice, experts say these cost cuts could lead to deregulation and policy changes that would directly impact Elon Musk's universe of companies, particularly Tesla, SpaceX, X and Neuralink.
Adding a government wallet to Musk's plate could benefit the market value of his companies and foster businesses such as artificial intelligence and cryptocurrency.
Equity analyst Daniel Ives of Wedbush Securities said in a research note: It's clear that Musk will play a massive role in the Trump White House with his growing reach across many federal agencies.
But Musk's nomination was criticized by Public Citizen, a progressive consumer rights NGO that challenged several policies from Trump's first term. Not only does Musk know nothing about government efficiency and regulation, but his own companies routinely run up against the very rules he will be able to attack, co-chair Lisa Gilbert said in a statement.
Trump had made it clear that Musk was unlikely to take any full-time position, given his other commitments.
“I don't think I can hire him full time because he's a little busy sending up rockets and everything he does,” Trump said at a rally in Michigan in September. He said the waste in this country was insane. And we were going to have Elon Musk be our cost reducer.
Sources 2/ https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/nov/12/trump-appoints-elon-musk-government-efficiency-department The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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