Govt offers 'olive branch' to embattled PTI – Pakistan

Asif says the doors to negotiations are always open and attacks Imran for seeking dialogue with the establishment. Nawaz sure opposition parties' November 24 protest will fail
NAROWAL/LONDON: As the PTI prepares for another protest, Defense Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif on Sunday offered to hold talks with the opposition party.
The offer came a day after PML-N President Nawaz Sharif predicted that the gathering of opposition parties on November 24 would fail to disrupt Pakistan's progress.
While speaking to the media in Sialkot, Mr. Asif said that the doors of negotiations with PTI are always open, but unfortunately, Imran Khan does not want to sit with politicians but seeks to talk with the establishment .
Attacking upcoming protests by opposition parties aimed at pressuring the government to release the former prime minister, he said KP Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur had twice led caravans from Peshawar, but that each time, the PTI leadership had fled, leaving the workers behind.
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Everyone in PTI, including Imran Khan, is a hypocrite and a liar, he claimed.
Like previous PTI protests, he said, the November 24 rally would also fail.
The veteran PML-N leader recalled that each time, the PTI leaders mobilized their supporters and their children, but then left them halfway in the face of humiliation at the hands of the law enforcement agencies who took measures to maintain public order.
He noted that Imran Khan's children were living a comfortable life abroad and wondered why the PTI founder and Bushra Bibi are not bringing their children to lead the protest this time.
Regarding the cases, the minister pointed out that Nawaz Sharif and the Bhutto family had also faced such cases, adding that an FIR had also been registered against him and his family. All have taken their legal battle to court, he added.
Speaking to reporters in London on Saturday before leaving for Pakistan, Nawaz Sharif dismissed the upcoming PTI rally, expressing confidence that it would not disrupt Pakistan's progress.
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He was asked about the PTI's protest call and its potential to hamper the country's economic progress.
I agree with you, but they will fail in their mission, he remarked.
Accompanied by his daughter and Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz, as well as his grandson Junaid Safdar, the PML-N president also addressed rumors that he would not return to Pakistan.
I will call these people liars, he replied.
The former prime minister did not miss the opportunity to criticize the PTI's protest plans and reiterated his disapproval of the currently incarcerated Imran Khan.
Nawaz Sharif accused Mr Khan of tarnishing Pakistan's reputation during his tenure as prime minister.
What did Imran Khan do during his tenure that made people take to the streets on his call? Tell me just one [development] project that he could proudly present as proof of development during his mandate, he asks.
Addressing Pakistan's economic situation, Nawaz Sharif expressed optimism over the country's progress, saying it had emerged from difficulties and was now on the path to prosperity.
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However, he criticized efforts to hinder development. He also stressed the need to hold the PTI accountable for its actions, saying: “They must be held accountable for such practices before giving a call.
I don't understand the logic behind Khan Sahib's statements. He, along with General Bajwa and Faiz Hameed, left no stone unturned to conspire against me. If anyone has suffered the worst injustices, it is us, he told the media on Friday.
Nawaz also dismissed Imran Khan's latest protest call from jail, questioning its justification.
Why would people heed the call of a leader who brought the country into disrepute during his nearly four-year tenure? he asked.
Highlighting the lack of achievements under the PTI government, Nawaz said: Has it built a highway, completed major projects, established power plants or solved the energy crisis? His performance sucks.
Published in Dawn, November 18, 2024
Sources 2/ https://www.dawn.com/news/amp/1873115 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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