China investigates top military official as Xi expands purge of PLA generals
China has suspended a top military official and placed him under investigation for corruption, the Defense Ministry said, as leader Xi Jinping expands a sweeping purge in the upper echelons of the world's largest military. Admiral Miao Hua, a member of the powerful Central Military Commission (CMC), China's top military body led by Xi, is under investigation for “serious violation of discipline”, a euphemism for corruption , Defense Ministry spokesperson Wu Qian said at a press conference on Thursday. CMC Works Department. He is widely considered a close ally of Xi, having served in the military in coastal Fujian province when Xi was a senior official there in the 1990s and early 2000s. News of the suspension and investigation de Miao arrives a day after the Financial Times. reported that Chinese Defense Minister Dong Jun had been investigated for corruption, citing current and former U.S. officials. The Defense Ministry spokesperson dismissed the report as “pure fabrication.” China expresses its deep dissatisfaction with such smears,” he said. Since last year, Xi has led a sweeping crackdown on corruption within China's People's Liberation Army (PLA), in focusing on the Rocket Force, an elite branch overseeing the country's nuclear and conventional missiles. This purge led to the downfall of several high-ranking generals, including former Defense Minister Li Shangfu and his predecessor Wei Fenghe. , who were expelled from the party in June over allegations of corruption in the military's senior ranks comes as Xi seeks to make China's armed forces stronger, more combat-ready and more aggressive in asserting his disputed territorial claims in. the region As part of Xi's ambition to transform the PLA into a “world-class” fighting force, China has invested billions of dollars in purchasing and upgrading equipment. Since last summer, more than a dozen high-level military officers and aerospace executives in the military-industrial complex have been stripped of public office. Most of the purged generals were linked to Rocket Force or military outfits, including Li and Wei, the former defense ministers. Last summer, Li disappeared from public view after just a few months on the job, and a few weeks after a surprise shakeup of Rocket Force leadership. He was dismissed from his post in October, without any explanation, and replaced by Dong, the current defense minister. Miao, the latest senior military official under investigation, is considered a political patron of Dong, who is also an admiral and once served as commander-in-chief of the PLA Navy. Originally from Fujian, Miao rose through the ranks in the political departments of the army. He was appointed political commissar of the PLA Navy in 2014, coinciding with Dong's time as deputy chief of the naval staff. Miao was promoted to director of the CMC's political work department in 2017. Xi has made rooting out corruption and disloyalty a hallmark of his rule since coming to power in 2012, and the purges suggest the campaign is far from being over within the army.
China has suspended a top military official and placed him under investigation for corruption, the Defense Ministry said, as leader Xi Jinping expands a sweeping purge in the upper echelons of the world's largest military.
Admiral Miao Hua, a member of the powerful Central Military Commission (CMC), China's highest military body headed by Xi, is under investigation for “serious violation of discipline”, a euphemism for corruption , Defense Ministry spokesperson Wu Qian said at a press conference on Thursday. .
Miao, 69, heads the CMC's political work department. He is widely considered a close ally of Xi, having served in the military in the coastal province of Fujian when Xi was a senior official there in the 1990s and early 2000s.
News of Miao's suspension and investigation comes a day after the Financial Times reported that Chinese Defense Minister Dong Jun had been investigated for corruption, citing current and former U.S. officials .
The Defense Ministry spokesperson dismissed the report as “pure fabrication.”
“These rumor mongers harbor bad intentions. China expresses its deep dissatisfaction with such smears,” he said.
Xi has led a broad crackdown on corruption within China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) since last year, focusing on the Rocket Force, an elite branch overseeing the country's nuclear and conventional missiles.
The purge led to the fall of several high-ranking generals, including former Defense Minister Li Shangfu and his predecessor Wei Fenghe, who were excluded from the party in June following allegations of corruption.
The current unrest in the military's upper echelons comes as Xi seeks to make China's armed forces stronger, more combat-ready and more aggressive in asserting his disputed territorial claims in the region. As part of Xi's ambition to transform the PLA into a “world-class” fighting force, China has invested billions of dollars in purchasing and upgrading equipment.
Since last summer, more than a dozen high-level military officers and aerospace executives across the military-industrial complex have been removed from public office.
Most of the purged generals were linked to Rocket Force or military outfits, including Li and Wei, the former defense ministers.
Last summer, Li disappeared from public view after just a few months on the job and a few weeks after a surprise shakeup of Rocket Force leadership. He was deleted from his post in October, without any explanation, and replaced by Dong, the current Minister of Defense.
Miao, the latest senior military official under investigation, is considered a political patron of Dong, who is also an admiral and once served as commander-in-chief of the PLA Navy.
Originally from Fujian, Miao rose through the ranks in the political departments of the army. He was appointed political commissar of the PLA Navy in 2014, coinciding with Dong's time as deputy chief of the naval staff. Miao was promoted to director of the CMC's political work department in 2017.
Xi has made rooting out corruption and disloyalty a hallmark of his tenure since coming to power in 2012, and the purges suggest the campaign is far from over within the military.
Sources 2/ https://www.kcra.com/article/china-investigates-a-top-military-official/63040827 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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