Pakistani army's crackdown leaves hundreds dead: Imran Khan's sister Aleema | Exclusive
Last updated: November 29, 2024, 5:43 PM IST
We are told many people have died and the number could reach 200. It's a massacre, says Aleema Khanum on D Chowk crackdown
Ameena Khanum mourned the tragic death of the protesters. (News18)
Aleema Khanum, sister of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) leader and former Prime Minister Imran Khan, described the government's crackdown on the protest as a massacre by the Pakistani army. She said that contrary to official figures, 200 to 300 people were killed in the D Chowk protests.
The PTI supporters fought off the police and managed to reach D Chowk for a sit-in as part of their protest march that began on Sunday. However, the Pakistani army cracked down on them at midnight on Monday.
Bushra Bibi and Gandapur had announced that the protesters would not leave until Khan, who made the final call for protests, was released from prison, even as security personnel continued their efforts to evict them from the D- Chowk, located near several important government buildings: the Presidency, the Prime Minister's Office, Parliament and the Supreme Court.
The 72-year-old former prime minister, imprisoned since August last year, issued a final call on November 13 for nationwide protests on November 24, denouncing what he called a stolen mandate, unjust arrests of people and the passage of the 26th Amendment, which he said strengthened a dictatorial regime.”
Excerpts from the interview:
There are reports that hundreds or even thousands of people have been killed, but the government maintains that only six were killed during the crackdown.
In fact, right now, even after 24 hours, I'm in total shock. It's incredible. They were ordinary people. People have the constitutional right to come and demonstrate in the capital. They were sitting. We were there. Families, women and children were there. These people didn't come to cause trouble. They are not terrorists. They came to defend their rights and they have the right to protest. They were on the road in the middle of the night. Tear gas is one thing. Around 3:30 p.m., people told me that live ammunition was being fired from buildings around the main road. They shot people. I met people who had bullets in their shoulders, in their legs, and it was at 3:30 p.m.! They turned off all the lights. They hijacked the container which had lights and sounds to guide people away.
Tear gas is acceptable. People know that the authorities use tear gas. But live bullets, not even rubber bullets, fell on us.
How many people lost their lives?
There were people taking the bodies to the other province of Kp. They arrested the person. Their people, some of whom died, are from Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The authorities effectively diverted the bodies.
So you are saying that Army Chief Asif Munir is completely running the show, not the elected PDM government.
The problem is that they are all responsible for it. You cannot deny or apologize for anything. They cannot deny what happened. Each of them is responsible. Whether it was Mohsen Naqvi who sent a tweet, if you look at his tweet, the man should be ashamed of himself. They threatened to arrest us. But you are killing innocent people in the dark! It was so dark. The shots came from everywhere. I don't think even those who were shooting understood what they were doing because they were shooting at point blank range in the dark. Many people died.
You say that 200 to 300 people were killed?
We are told that there are many dead, and we could count up to 200. It is a massacre.
Are you saying it was a complete revolution?
It could be 200 to 300 deaths, and we don't have a count yet. They hide the bodies. They diverted the bodies. But it was a tragedy that caused great shock. It's a massacre. They massacred people in the middle of the night.
The demonstrators rested on green belts and on the roads. At 1:30 a.m., no one could do anything but sleep or rest. They were exhausted. But you massacred them?
I think a revolution happens when people decide that we don't accept a system of tyranny. It's a revolution. And Imran Khan, who spent one and a half years in jail for false cases, when he was about to be released, appeared in court for two and a half years. The judges weren't that bad. They also tried to oppose the system of tyranny. The cases are so serious that they must have brought him relief. They said that on the day he was about to be released, they charged him for another protest case on September 28. While he was in prison, they accused him of inciting the demonstration during which a police officer's buttons, his shirt buttons were torn off and a car that was about to be set on fire has never been set on fire. This is his responsibility. He is in prison at the moment. He is in prison for this charge.
So what does Imran Khan want now?
Khan's demand was to release the illegally arrested protesters. It wasn't about him. He repeatedly said: “Release all illegally arrested prisoners. » That's all he asked. But the people themselves kept saying, “We have come for Imran Khan. »
Imran Khan's appeal was to his people. You defend three. “He set three conditions all along. You don't subjugate the judiciary. The Supreme Court, he said, has been hijacked. They have changed decisions and regulations. In any country, you have it seen in Israel, when they made changes to the justice system, everyone comes out to protest every weekend. This is how people express their opinion about their own country, they are citizens. of this country. They are not foreigners. So they are not enemies. The second was the release of all people illegally arrested, including civilians in military prison. You do not hijack and subjugate the judiciary. And third, return the stolen mandate The Election Commission should make a decision.
It's so blatant, and it should be decided by judges, by judicial commissions, by a team of judges who will make a decision because all the evidence belongs to the Election Commission. What's wrong with these requests? They are nothing personal. All his demands concern the country. And people came out for it. You don't massacre people. It was genocide. It was a massacre. We are so heartbroken. I tell you, I can't move. Thinking about what they did last night, it was pitch black. There was no light. They turned off all the street lights, all the lights on the road. It was so dark and this massacre took place in complete darkness.
Is there any back-channel working for the release of Imran Khan?
It's a tragic day with the deaths of all these people. They were just innocent people, they came from all over Pakistan. We are heartbroken by this tragedy. The government has closed the hospitals, no one can access them. No one knows where the dead are, they want to make sure no one knows and people are currently searching for their loved ones. In the coming days, they will incite people. What happens next is out of anyone's control. And the only thing that was reported on all the national news channels was that a police officer was injured because a rock was thrown at him. This is the greatest tragedy in national television debates, which are entirely under the control of the establishment. I say that most likely they will put me in prison. I'm supposed to be taken to jail too
Do you intend to take legal action against police atrocities?
Which court? This has already been submitted. They won't allow us. With one hand they try to offer and plead and with the other they abuse. They massacred the Pakistanis. There's going to be a reaction that I have no idea about.
Have you spoken to Imran Khan recently?
He is in prison, no one can see him. For two days, they canceled his court appearance. The cities were sealed. No one could leave the city even halfway. The prison was obviously closed and all roads were sealed. Lahore was sealed. We didn't see it.
Pakistani army's crackdown leaves hundreds dead: Imran Khan's sister Aleema | Exclusive
Sources 2/ https://www.news18.com/world/midnight-crackdown-a-massacre-that-killed-hundreds-imran-khans-sister-aleema-exclusive-9139697.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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