China: Xi Jinping caught in an “endless purge” within the army?

Published on November 30, 2024
Updated November 30, 2024

General Miao Hua, director of the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China, Pyongyang airport, October 14, 2019. (Source: FRG)
One of the main leaders of Chinese weapons officially fell this week. General Miao Hua, close ally of Xi Jinping, could be indicted for corruption. How to explain his suspension? The start of a new major purge within the Beijing military establishment?
This Thursday, November 28, during a press conference of the Minister of Defense, one of his spokespersons, Wu Qian, announced that Miao Hua was suspended from his functions. The director of the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission is under investigation on suspicion of serious disciplinary violations. Of course, this information was first reported by Hong Kong media. It took several hours before the Party deigned to make it public.
This announcement had the effect of a bomb in the Western media. It also led some observers to focus on the Minister of Defense himself, Dong Jun. Had he also been sacked? You should indeed know that his promotion is largely due to the efforts of Miao Hua. However, as in the early hours of the Qin Gang affair, the deposed former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Wu Qian denied the rumors about the fate of Dong Jun.
But then what should we think of Miao Hua’s suspension? Let us first recall the rumors that have already been hovering around Miao since July, fueled in particular by the impromptu promotion, on July 9, of General He Hongjun () to the position of deputy director in charge of daily affairs in the department headed by Miao. In this context, this custody of Miao Hua is undoubtedly as surprising as it was predictable. In principle, we do not appoint a general of the same rank as the head of the department to assist him. This promotion of He Hongjun was already seen in July as a gesture of distrust towards Miao.
Let us clarify three useful points. First, the Political Work Department, headed by Miao Hua until recently, acts as the Organization and United Front department for the Party's Central Military Commission (CMC). Then, this department has an extensive network of observers – political commissioners () who report directly to the director. Finally, in the past, this department also known as the General Department of Political Affairs () of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has been one of the hotspots of systemic corruption within the army. Let us also recall that the department was a few years ago administered by two infamous generals, Xu Caihou, accused of complicity in a coup d'état with Bo Xilai against Xi Jinping, and Zhang YangXu said.
Man of compromise
Miao Hua had succeeded in putting together a team, establishing an important network alongside the two main fringes of the PLA and playing the role of the man of compromise. As a result, Xi Jinping often opted for candidates suggested by Miao in order to avoid too much favoring on one side the Vietnam veterans and General Zhang Youxia, first vice-president of the CMC, or on the other side, the clique of Taihai () in favor of the invasion of Tawan and General He Weidong, second vice-president of the CMC behind Zhou and Xi in the protocol order. That said, it is very likely that the appointment of Dong Jun as Minister of Defense, which enraged both Zhang Youxia and He Weidong, was the straw that broke the camel's back. And it is precisely these tensions between Zhang, He and Miao and Xi himself that partly explain why Dong, in office for almost a year, is still not a member of the CMC, nor even a state advisor.
Let us also remember that several other senior PLA officers owe Miao Hua a lot. Among them, Hu Zhongming (), appointed Commander of the Navy in December 2023, Wang Houbin (), Commander of the Missile Force since July 2023, and Wang Renhua (), Party Secretary of the Political and Political Affairs Commission legal of the APL since December 2019.
Thus, a potential indictment of Miao would have a much wider scope than the dismissals of former Defense Ministers Li Shangfu and Wei Fenghe, the former head of diplomacy Qin Gang as well as numerous military officials linked to the Force of Missiles or the equipment department. Indicting Miao would involve calling into question a long list of promotions and devaluations since 2017. In this sense, the Miao Hua affair could spill over and take away Dong Jun. It is not certain that Xi is obliged to take on Dong since the minister is only the symptom of endemic corruption, and not the cause. However, it is a safe bet that Zhang Youxia and He Weidong, for their part, will not want to leave it there. They risk putting pressure on Dong Jun to be replaced by another minister more favorable to one or the other of the two camps.
*Of course, this point is also important. If Dong Jun is carried away by the Miao Hua affair, the poor press officer of the Minister of Defense will hardly have to explain how three ministers ended up in the hands of the Disciplinary Commission. The Party will probably not even try to explain it. A potential fall of Dong Jun would also push foreign governments to look to other military leaders, such as Zhang Youxia. Too much attention could also become problematic for the end of Zhang's career.
But let’s go even further in our reflection. The examination of Miao Hua, like those of Li Shangfu and Li Yuchao () for the Missile Force, could also push the disciplinary apparatus to review the PLA Navy, including the lower rungs of its chain of command. command. After all, Miao, despite his virtual absence of experience in the navy, is an admiral. Over the years, he has also promoted the promotion of managers from this branch. Today, it is not only China's international image that is in question, this constant instability which is causing Xi Jinping and the rest of the high command* to lose face. It is also possible that a new purge burst will start soon.
Which brings us to a more concrete point: the impact of a potential purge on the PLA's mobilization and intervention capabilities. In fact, following a series of problems discovered during the purge of the Missile Force and the equipment department, the Party and the high command appeared to have much more to do to rectify the situation in order to consider preparing the army for a potential campaign in the Tawan Strait. However, they are still far from having completed the inventory of defective equipment and having resolved the problems of insubordination, training and corruption discovered during the burst of disciplinary investigations in 2023. Needless to specify the harmful effects of a new purge while the previous one is not finished, both on Xi Jinping's strategic agenda and on his relations with the remainder of the high command. After all, Miao Hua was promoted by Xi and served as an important ally and informant during the implementation of the 2015-2016 national defense and military comprehensive reform program.
Many will be happy to see Miao Hua, a troublemaker par excellence, go, and indirectly, to see one of Xi's favorite political control structures within the PLA scuttled. All this risks forcing the Chinese president to rethink his relationship with the other members of the CMC. Either he chooses to make concessions – for example, stop constantly feeding the army political education and rely more on the military expertise of the generals in place – in order to avoid overflows and, potentially, a long period of organizational instability. Either he begins to think about how to get rid of the influence of Zhang Youxia and He Weidong in order to control, once and for all, the entire command of the PLA.
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Whatever the reasons behind Miao's suspension, the final statement will surely focus on his engaging in power transactions for bribes and the fact that he has used his position to provide benefits for others* – like Gao Peng () – or that he would have taking advantage of his position to seek benefits for others and receive huge sums of money**, like Li Shangfu.
All that will then remain is to formalize the replacement of Miao by his deputy, General He Hongjun, an acceptable choice for some, or to begin negotiations between Xi, Zhang and He in order to find a less problematic candidate for the proper functioning of the military apparatus. . One thing is certain: the suspension of Miao Hua is the perfect opportunity to review the mode of operation of the Political Affairs Department and to provide the PLA with a real department of the Organization which would be separated from the internal propaganda apparatus.
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